SDSU College of Business Announces New Director of Corporate Governance Institute

Monday, June 26, 2006
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San Diego State University’s College of Business Administration (CBA) announced today that Lori Verstegen Ryan, associate professor of management, has been named director of the Corporate Governance Institute (CGI). Ryan has been research director of the Institute for the past four years, building a research network among corporate governance scholars worldwide. She replaces Craig Dunn who retired recently.

Ryan is recognized as a leading global scholar in corporate governance, with recent invitations to address audiences in Melbourne, New Orleans, and Seattle, act as an external doctoral examiner in Bath, England, and review grant proposals for the Canadian government. Ryan was also asked to advise a researcher on a German government study regarding board structures. She has been invited to present her ideas on teaching corporate governance at multiple conferences due to her experience teaching one of the few MBA Corporate Governance seminars in the country.

While Ryan’s primary research interest lies in the behaviors and ethics of U.S. institutional investors, her research includes analyses of corporate governance practices in the United States, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and South Africa. Her research has been published in some of the field’s leading journals, including Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Business Ethics Quarterly, and Corporate Governance: An International Review.

In her new capacity as director, Ryan will implement a new organization for the Institute and will establish a Board of Advisors from the local business community. She also will serve as SDSU’s liaison with the San Diego Corporate Directors’ Forum and CGI’s newly established training affiliate, Model Governance, LLC.

Ryan will be working with her fellow corporate governance researchers in the CBA: Associate Professor of Management and CGI Research Fellow Chamu Sundaramurthy, Associate Professor of Accountancy Victoria Krivogorsky, and Assistant Professor of Finance Fei Xie, as well as with CGI Research Fellows Marguerite Schneider of the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Ann Buchholtz of the University of Georgia. The Corporate Governance Institute (CGI), established in 1998, is an education and research center dedicated to the study and application of responsible corporate governance principles. CGI programs focus on identifying the best practices in all aspects of corporate governance, relating to the roles, responsibilities, and balance of power among executives, directors, and investors. For more information, visit the Corporate Governance Institute.

With over 5,500 students, the SDSU College of Business is one of the largest business schools in the U.S. Its programs in international business and graduate entrepreneurship are ranked among the top programs in the country by U.S. News and World Report. This year, the college is celebrating “50 Years of Educating San Diego’s Business Leaders.”

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