More Than 57,000 Undergraduate Students Apply to San Diego State for Fall 2007
Preliminary Total Highest of All CSU Campuses, Up 9.3 Percent from Last Year

San Diego State University has fielded a record 57,167 undergraduate applications for fall 2007, the university announced today.
The number of online applications SDSU received during the fall 2007 open enrollment period that began Oct. 1 and closed Nov. 30 is 9.3 percent higher than for last fall, and is the highest of all California State University campuses.
Approximately 15 percent of those applications were from local students in SDSU’s service area. All of these students will be guaranteed admission to SDSU if they meet minimum CSU eligibility standards.
The fall 2007 figures continue the trend of significant annual increases in applications to SDSU since the university adopted enrollment management practices in 1998. Applications to SDSU have risen 85.1 percent over the last eight years.
"The extraordinary education we provide students through our strong academic programs and renowned faculty continue to increase student interest in SDSU," said Provost Nancy A. Marlin. "This record number of applicants bodes well for enrolling yet another class of highly prepared new students next fall, and is particularly impressive considering the number of high school graduates projected for next spring in California is relatively flat."
Most students selected for admission will be notified around the beginning of March. SDSU currently estimates it will enroll approximately 8,800 new undergraduates next fall. SDSU enrolled approximately 8,730 new undergraduates in fall 2006.
The number of undergraduate online applications for fall 2007 rose 5.9 percent across the 23-campus California State University system. Overall, CSU campuses received 465,742 online undergraduate applications for the fall 2007 open enrollment period.