Class of 2009 Outstanding Graduates - Business Administration, Education and Engineering

Thursday, May 14, 2009
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Below are several of San Diego State University's outstanding graduates from the class of 2009, which includes nearly 10,000 degree candidates:  

College of Business Administration

Lauren Zimmerman

Lauren Zimmerman

College of Education

Peper Anan

Peper Anan

Baramee Peper Anan, 25, M.A., postsecondary educational leadership (specialization in student affairs)

When Baramee Peper Anan entered her program at SDSU, she hoped to gain as much hands-on experience as possible in the field of student affairs. This was certainly the case as Anan became involved in a variety of organization across campus and was selected as the College of Education’s Outstanding Student for the department of administration, rehabilitation and postsecondary education.

Anan became the first graduate assistant judicial officer in the SDSU Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities and the first student affairs graduate assistant in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). She also served as the student affairs program assistant in the Compact Scholars Program.

After graduation Anan will begin working as an academic advisor at UCSD. She hopes to continue supporting students in an advising capacity and provide learning opportunities for students outside of the classroom. She is also considering obtaining a doctorate degree in student affairs in the future. (Hometown: Claremont, Calif.)

College of Enginineering

Joy Salvatin

Joy Salvatin

Joy Salvatin, 23, B.S., aerospace engineering

Joy Salvatin credits her experience in the College of Engineering and her extensive campus involvement in making her the woman she is today. Being one of only four female SDSU students graduating in her field, Salvatin has had to constantly prove herself.

She was also the only woman to serve as an Associated Students executive member (vice president) this past year. Her other campus leadership roles include being an SDSU Ambassador and Lead Ambassador for the College of Engineering, as well as various roles in Associated Students and  the SDSU/AIAA Rocket Team, which builds and designs liquid propellant rockets.

After graduation Salvatin plans to get a job in aerospace engineering or apply for graduate school to pursue a master's degree. (Hometown: San Ramon, Calif.)

Other class of 2009 outstanding graduates by college:

Find out more about Commencement 2009.

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