SDSU, Baja California Partner on Cross-Border Initiatives

Baja's Secretary of Public Safety and Provost Nancy Marlin signed a formal memorandum of understanding.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
(from left) Eric Frost, SDSU homeland security program, Provost Nancy Marlin and Daniel de la Rosa-Anaya, Secretary of Public Safety for Baja Calif.
(from left) Eric Frost, SDSU homeland security program, Provost Nancy Marlin and Daniel de la Rosa-Anaya, Secretary of Public Safety for Baja Calif.

San Diego State signed a formal memorandum of understanding yesterday to establish a partnership between the university and the state of Baja California.

The agreement, signed by Baja’s Secretary of Public Safety Daniel de la Rosa-Anaya and SDSU Provost Nancy Marlin, formalizes a relationship between the two entities to develop cross-border initiatives related to energy, trans-border security, transportation, health, border issues, cyber security and disaster response. 

Bi-national region and approaches

“We live in a bi-national region, and addressing problems and improving the quality of life in both Southern California and Baja California requires bi-national approaches,” said Marlin, who delivered her remarks in Spanish.

The partnership will also serve as a starting point to develop joint academic activities such as certificate programs, courses, seminars and other academic activities. 

In addition, the SDSU master’s degree program in homeland security will provide training for Baja California personnel in security programs.

In conjunction with cyber-security event

Yesterday’s announcement was made in conjunction with the Securing Our eCity–Model City Project which has selected San Diego as its model city to implement a cyber-security education awareness and preparedness program.

The event brought together stakeholders from both sides of the border, including Mayor Jerry Sanders and San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore, to gain a better understanding of the cyber-security awareness level in San Diego.

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