Emergency Alerts Open to All

University employees, students and their relatives can register for text and e-mail updates and instructions in the event of a critical situation on campus.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
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SDSU unveiled an updated registration web page for emergency alerts via text message and e-mail.

Those registered through the system would receive notifications in the event of a campus-wide emergency or health and safety concern. It is not intended to supplant any personal emergency contact information previously provided to the SDSU Center for Human Resources.

The new registration system is open to:

  • University and auxiliary employees
  • College Area community members
  • Relatives of students and employees

SDSU students will continue to register for the emergency notification service through the Web Portal.

Register now

To register for emergency alerts, visit: https://phonebook.sdsu.edu/ealert/

Students should register through the Web Portal at https://sunspot.sdsu.edu/portal/

Already registered

If you have previously registered for this service, you do not need to re-register. For those who have previously registered for emergency alerts, resubmitting contact information will generate a confirmation e-mail with links to change or unsubscribe from the notification system.

Emergency preparedness

“The ability to inform the university community of timely and accurate information during an emergency is an important part of our public safety initiative,” said SDSU Police Chief John Browning.  “The Emergency Alert System is an important tool in the process of providing information during an emergency.”

Rich Pickett, SDSU’s chief technology officer, said he received requests from employee spouses, community members and parents of students to utilize the notification system.

“This expanded capability will enable our system to reach even more individuals who might be impacted by an emergency,” Pickett said.

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