Student Featured on 'MTV: True Life'

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Three years ago, Jeremy Poincenot learned he had a rare genetic disease that was causing him to rapidly lose his eyesight. Since that time, he's learned to live, and thrive, with his condition, including becoming the world champion blind golfer, a member of SDSU's 2011 Homecoming court and being featured on MTV's "True Life" show.

"True Life: I'm Losing My Sight," much of which was filmed on campus at SDSU last spring, will debut on MTV at 4 p.m., this Saturday, Nov. 5. 

The show will air again several times. Check listings on MTV's website.

Last year, in honor of Poincenot, SDSU's fraternities and sororities dedicated Greek Week to raising funds for Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy.

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