His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama to Visit San Diego

The Compassion Without Borders tour will include events at SDSU, UC San Diego and USD.

Thursday, January 19, 2012
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Parking and Traffic Advisory for April 19

Lama Tenzin Dhonden, the Personal Peace Emissary for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and executives from San Diego State University, University of California San Diego and University of San Diego, joined together to announce that His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, will make his first trip to San Diego, April 18 and 19, for public events at each of the three host universities. 

Three Public Events

The Compassion Without Borders symposium will include three major public events:

  • April 18, UC San Diego, Panel Discussion: The Global Impact of Climate Change: Balance through Universal Responsibility, Compassion and Human Consciousness
  • April 18, USD, Public Talk: Cultivating Peace and Justice
  • April 19, SDSU, Public Talk: Upholding Universal Ethics and Compassion in Challenging Times

Speaking on behalf of the Compassion Without Borders Organizing Committee, event chair The Venerable Lama Tenzin Dhonden, said, “This will be a historic event for San Diego. This event will bring together people of different faiths, secularists and non-secularists, scientists, scholars and artists to celebrate our shared values.  This event will bring community together and focus our attention on internal values of the humanity so desperately needed in today’s challenging world.”

Joining Lama Tenzin for the announcement at the Grand Hyatt were Nancy Marlin, senior vice president and provost, SDSU; Suresh Subramani, executive vice chancellor, UCSD; and Julie Sullivan, executive vice president and provost, USD.

Learn more about the SDSU event.

About the discussions

UCSD’s Subramani took the opportunity to preview for the audience the compelling panel discussion, "The Global Impact of Climate Change: Balance through Universal Responsibility, Compassion and Human Consciousness," that will occur between His Holiness and esteemed scientists Richard Somerville and Veerabhadran Ramanathan.

“I am confident we each will learn something valuable from their conversation on global climate change and the need for humanitarian values and universal responsibility in recognizing and responding to the impacts of this change on communities and ecosystems,” Subramani said.

USD will award His Holiness the University of San Diego Medal of Peace.

“We are delighted to welcome His Holiness to San Diego and look forward to presenting him with the University of San Diego Medal of Peace in recognition of his scholarship and lifelong contributions to international peacebuilding. The Dalai Lama’s public talk, "Cultivating Peace and Justice," will address the struggles facing our world due to escalated violence in society and among nations. His Holiness will explore alternatives to violence and the shared core human values that can lead the way to peace, justice and happiness,” Provost Sullivan noted.

SDSU will host the final public talk, “Upholding Universal Ethics and Compassion in Challenging Times.”

“We look forward to hearing His Holiness’ views on upholding ethics, practicing forgiveness and tolerance, and coping with the challenges found in today’s society. We expect the teachings of His Holiness to have a profound impact on the San Diego region and beyond, particularly for our students who will have the extraordinary opportunity to become inspired by the Nobel Prize recipient they only hear about in class lectures and read about in textbooks,” Marlin said.

Tickets will go on sale via the website Wednesday, Feb. 22.

These events are entirely privately funded. No public money will be used for these events.

For additional questions or information, please visit www.dalailamasandiego.org.

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