Sharp Gift Supports Nursing Scholarships

The $500,000 gift establishes the Sharp HealthCare Professional Education and Research Institute at SDSU.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Nursing students in the Sharp HealthCare Human Patient Simulation Center.

Students in San Diego State University’s College of Health and Human Services will have access to new scholarships thanks to a $500,000 donation from Sharp HealthCare. 

The gift will also establish the Sharp HealthCare Professional Education and Research Institute. 

Large corporate contributor

The new donation brings Sharp’s total giving to the university to $2.4 million, making the organization one of SDSU’s largest corporate contributors.

“Sharp believes that patient care should always exceed expectations, and a vital component of providing outstanding care is having skilled, compassionate health care professionals in the workforce,” said Dan Gross, executive vice president for Sharp HealthCare and an alumnus of SDSU. 

“SDSU’s College of Health and Human Services has done an outstanding job in preparing nurses and other health care professionals to provide this standard of service, and we are pleased to be a part of their very important mission.”

“Our students benefit greatlyfrom Sharp’s generosity and ... will serve the community through their workas professional health care providers.”

Supporting programs

Scholarships will be created for nursing students in the bachelor’s and master’s programs, as well as a general scholarship for students in SDSU’s College of Health and Human Services. The donation will result in a total of six students receiving scholarships each year, ranging from $1,200 to $2,000.

“To have a respected organization such as Sharp HealthCare believe in our students and our mission as a college is extremely important,” said Marilyn Newhoff, dean of the College of Health and Human Services.

“Our students benefit greatly from Sharp’s generosity and in turn will have the opportunity to serve the community through their work as professional health care providers.”

The scholarships are a component of the Sharp HealthCare Professional Education and Research Institute, which will also include the already established Sharp HealthCare Human Patient Simulation Center and the Nurses Now program.

The Sharp HealthCare Professional Education and Research Institute is just one example of how the university engages the San Diego region, a key initiative of The Campaign for SDSU. Whether it’s supporting programs that contribute directly to San Diego's growth or building academic programs to prepare for the region’s future, SDSU is an important community partner. Learn more about SDSU’s community engagement and how you can contribute.

Past Sharp HealthCare support

The Sharp HealthCare Human Patient Simulation Center is a seven-bed simulated hospital unit housed in SDSU’s School of Nursing.

The center opened in August 2006 with the help of a $1 million grant from Sharp Healthcare. The center has seven patient simulators, four adult, one pediatric, one baby and one birthing simulator. The simulation center uses equipment and supplies found in a standard hospital environment to make the simulation experience as real as possible.

Simulated scenarios range from basic assessment of a hip fracture patient to care of critical care patient in septic shock. Since the center opened, more than 1,800 student experiences have taken place.

This donation is one of many contributing to The Campaign for SDSU, a university-wide fundraising campaign to raise private support for student scholarships, academic programs, student services and faculty endowments. To date the campaign has raised $300 million toward its $500 million goal.

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