Christina Brown to Lead AS

She will serve as executive director designate until Dan Cornthwaites 2013 retirement.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Christina Brown
Christina Brown
Christina Brown, associate executive director of Associated Students, was named executive director designate of the student-directed non-profit organization in an announcement.
  She will replace the current executive director, Dan Cornthwaite, upon his retirement in 2013.   “After reviewing many applications and interviewing several candidates, AS came to the conclusion that Christina is the best person to succeed Dan,” said Cody Barbo, AS president. “Her strong corporate background and experience with students will benefit AS and SDSU in growing student services and programs in the future.”   Future and current roles   As executive director designate, Brown will observe and train closely with Cornthwaite. This position will be an interim position effective July 2012, with an expected date of complete transition into the executive director role coinciding with the opening of Aztec Student Union in fall 2013.     During the transition period, Brown will be expected to perform the same duties and functions as the executive director, and will report to Cornthwaite for the duration of the training period.   “Christina Brown's experience and proven abilities over the past three years make her an ideal professional to serve as the next executive director of Associated Students,” Cornthwaite said. “I am delighted that she will succeed me upon the completion of the Aztec Student Union.”   About Brown   Brown has served as associate executive director of AS since 2009, and has supervised strategic financial planning, business services, program operations and advised the AS finance board. Before that, she was the first woman and youngest executive to be named senior vice president and chief financial officer for Sony Pictures Entertainment where she worked in the international television division. She has also worked at Walt Disney Studios and KPMG Peat Marwick.   “I am honored to have been selected by students, faculty and staff for this important role” Brown said. “I look forward to assisting AS with upcoming key initiatives such as the opening of the new Aztec Student Union and the government restructure.”   Brown obtained a master’s in business administration from University of California, Los Angeles and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from California State University, Long Beach. She is a certified public accountant and a member of the American Institute of CPAs. Brown also serves on the executive committees for the CSU Auxiliary Organizations Association and the Auxiliary Organization Risk Management Association.   Brown lives in La Jolla, Calif., with her husband and her three children. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, volunteering at her children’s schools and attending SDSU men’s basketball games.   About Associated Students of SDSU   Associated Students is an independent, student-directed corporation and is one of the largest student governance organizations in the California State University system. As an affiliate of SDSU, the programs and facilities Associated Students manages are enjoyed by students, faculty, staff and the SDSU and San Diego community. Learn more about Associated Students at
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