SDSU Offers Digital Media Literacy Course
Social Media in the Digital Age teaches effective, professional use of Twitter and Facebook.

Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest.
University students use these social media platforms daily in their personal lives.
A new course offered by San Diego State University's School of Journalism and Media Studies will give students the opportunity to learn how these platforms are being used professionally by businesses and organizations.
JMS 296, an new university-wide experimental topics course whose formal title is Social Media in the Digital Age will be offered for the first time this fall.
It is part of the school’s strategic initiative to further both the school’s and the university’s reputation as the region’s established leader in digital and social media education and training. The instructor for the new course is JMS faculty member Rebecca Coates Nee.
Understanding media
“Social Media in the Digital Age is designed to help students understand how the rapid advances in digital and social media are dramatically changing business practices, power structures and human communication patterns,” Nee said.
“We anticipate that the course will prove valuable for any SDSU student interested in learning how to effectively and professionally use such social media as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest for personal branding purposes, as well as how to evaluate these technologies for credibility, ethical values and legal concerns."
In-class and online
Any SDSU student regardless of major may enroll in the lower-division class, which will be taught in a blended format, meaning students will meet both in person and online during the semester.
Several graduate teaching associates will assist Nee by leading weekly breakout sections to discuss the course material in smaller groups. Funding for the graduate assistants comes from a gift to the School of Journalism and Media Studies from the Platinum Equity Group.
“Many students may come to college as experienced users of digital and social media, but most have not yet had the chance to consider their role as creators, consumers, disseminators and critics of new media content,” said Diane L. Borden, director of the School of Journalism and Media Studies.
“This course will enhance the critical thinking skills of students as they learn how to evaluate social media and other digital media technologies in the modern age — and also will give students the maximum opportunity to hone their research and writing skills in digital platforms,” Borden said.
Class schedule
Social Media in the Digital Age will be taught from 11 a.m.-11:50 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Registration for fall 2012 classes will begin during on-campus orientation sessions in mid-July for first-time freshmen and in early August for transfer students.
Learn more about the course.