Behind the Scenes of Aztec Football

Tight end Hunter Hewitt shares insight on the Aztec football program through his blog.

Thursday, October 4, 2012
Aztecs tight end Hunter Hewitt clears a path for running back Davion Mauldin.
Aztecs tight end Hunter Hewitt clears a path for running back Davion Mauldin.

Fatigued from hours of breaking tackles, colliding with teammates and surviving the rigours of practice, six-foot-five, 250-pound, Aztecs tight end, Hunter Hewitt goes home every night and challenges himself in a different way off the field.

He writes.

Combining his two passions, football and writing, Hewitt, a journalism senior, brings a unique behind-the-scenes perspective of the Aztec football program through his blog "Aztecs for Life."

“There are a lot of important guys in this football program behind the scenes, and they deserve a little bit of attention.”

What first began as a way for Hewitt to create his own internship experience as a college athlete has grown into an outlet that connects Aztec fans with the football team they know and love.

“It’s been tough for me to get internships over the past four years because of football, but I realized that I have a chance to do something unique that no one else can do,” Hewitt said. “I can give fans a way to connect with the team and develop my own writing in the process.”
Aztecs for life

Hewitt’s blog focuses on the past, present and future of the Aztec football program. Publishing three times a week, Hewitt features a current player, a past player and staff member of the program.

“There are only a handful of guys in the media spotlight who get interviewed every week,” Hewitt said. “But there are a lot of important guys in this football program behind the scenes, and they deserve a little bit of attention too.”

Hewitt credits the physically and mentally demanding lifestyle of football for giving him the discipline to become a better writer.

“Football is physically strenuous, it’s challenging and requires a time commitment like a full-time job,” Hewitt said. “But it has prepared me for this and anything else that I’ll face in the future.”
Community support

Since starting the blog in August, Hewitt has seen a flurry of support from teammates and fans. Fellow tight end DJ shields commended Hewitt for taking the opportunity to intertwine his passions for a potential career.

“The team supports him all the way," Shields said. "He’s doing great things for our true fans, and I hope it can open bigger doors for him in the future.”

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