Workplace Inclusion Benefits Businesses

The work of five SDSU professors affirmed the need for diversity in the workplace and the benefits that come from it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
IIDO Members. Front: Amy Randel; Middle from left: Lynn Shore, Michelle Dean, Beth Chung, Karen Ehrhart; Back: College of Business associate dean Gangaram Singh
IIDO Members. Front: Amy Randel; Middle from left: Lynn Shore, Michelle Dean, Beth Chung, Karen Ehrhart; Back: College of Business associate dean Gangaram Singh

The research of five management professors at San Diego State University consistently showed that inclusion in the workplace leads to measureable benefits for organizations.

This is especially important for organizations that have a diverse work force (in terms of race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, etc.). 

Professors Beth Chung, Michelle Dean, Karen Ehrhart, Amy Randel and Lynn Shore formed the Institute for Inclusiveness and Diversity in Organizations to study how organizational leaders interact with diverse employees.

About the research

The group gathered data from over 2000 employees in various types of work organizations. Their preliminary work addresses how an inclusive climate and inclusive leadership contribute to employees’ perceptions of being included in their work groups, which increase job performance, job satisfaction, retention and employee creativity.

Furthermore, the group’s research has indicated that leader inclusiveness, when combined with an organizational climate focused on diversity, can benefit an organization by increasing employees’ willingness to help and mentor each other on the job.

According to Lynn Shore, co-director of the organization, inclusive leaders are able to communicate that all employees are valued regardless of their demographic background.

A need for diversity

“Diversity is no longer simply a buzzword,” Shore said. “It’s a reality. The workforce and the general population are becoming more diverse in terms of new entrants. Companies are asking for guidance about how to engage in leadership that is inclusive to all employees.”

Shore continued: “Organizational leaders who include diversity and inclusiveness as part of their company strategy have put themselves in a good position to prepare for the future of their company.”

For more information on the Institute for Inclusiveness and Diversity in Organizations, or to discuss the possibility of participating in research to realize the benefits of inclusion for your own workplace, please contact either Lynn Shore  or Beth Chung

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