Leaders in Peace Corps Service

SDSU is ranked No. 35 as a top volunteer producing college in the nation.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
SDSU is ranked No. 35 as a top volunteer producing college in the nation.
SDSU is ranked No. 35 as a top volunteer producing college in the nation.

There are currently 36 San Diego State University graduates serving in the Peace Corps worldwide. According to recent data released by the Peace Corps, SDSU is ranked No. 35 as a top volunteer producing school among colleges with more than 15,000 undergraduates. In total, SDSU has generated 1,114 Peace Corps volunteers, ranking it No. 27 all-time.

"SDSU provides an amazing option for the Peace Corps. Our students have an entrepreneurial spirit, they want to try new things, we're diverse and I think Peace Corps recruiters can see that,” said SDSU Career Services director James Tarbox.

Serving around the world

SDSU alumni are currently serving the Peace Corps in 28 countries across the globe, including:

  • Cambodia
  • Rwanda
  • Swaziland
  • Bulgaria
  • Uganda

Serving in the Peace Corps is a two-year commitment. Volunteers are placed throughout the world and assist with education, health services, youth development and the basic needs of the selected country. Joining the Peace Corps requires research, commitment and an application process with a recruiter.

“Two years abroad with the Peace Corps is so worthwhile,” said Peace Corps recruiter, Amber Lung, who holds regular office hours at SDSU. “You really build on the leadership skills you've gained as an undergrad. You experience rich cultural exchange and you come back a more global citizen.”

SDSU faculty shares their experience

On Thursday, Feb. 28, Career Services will host a panel discussion with previous Peace Corps volunteers who are current SDSU faculty and staff. This forum will provide hopeful applicants the opportunity to ask questions, hear first account experiences and review the application process. If you are interested in attending, RSVP at  the Peace Corps website.

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