Class of 2013 Commencement

Nearly 9,100 degree candidates will participate in SDSUs graduation ceremonies, May 16 to 19.

Monday, May 6, 2013
There will be eight separate commencement ceremonies throughout the weekend.
There will be eight separate commencement ceremonies throughout the weekend.

This month San Diego State University will celebrate Commencement 2013 from May 16 to 19, graduating 9,038 degrees candidates.

There will be eight separate ceremonies throughout the weekend. By tradition, SDSU’s Commencement ceremonies include a processional, introductions, awards, a speaker and a recessional. Each processional is led by a grand marshal carrying a college banner, followed by the faculty marshals donned in full academic regalia.

Commencement schedule

Thursday, May 16, 2013, Rollie Carrillo Quad

  • Imperial Valley Campus Ceremony, 7 p.m.

Speaker: Judith A. Canales, acting deputy under secretary for rural development, United States Department of Agriculture

Friday, May 17, 2013, Viejas Arena

  • College of Health and Human Services Ceremony, 11 a.m.

Speaker: Larry Banegas (’87, social work, MSW), president and founder of and 2012-13 Monty Award winner for Distinguished Alumnus

  • College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts Ceremony, 3 p.m.

Speakers: Brian Spitzberg, Professor of Communication and 2012-13 Monty Award winner for Outstanding Faculty Contributions

Terry L. Atkinson (’69, public administration), CEO at Atkinson Management Consulting and 2012-13 Monty Award winner for Distinguished Alumnus

The Honorable Jerry Sanders, former San Diego mayor and 2013 SDSU honorary doctorate degree recipient

Saturday, May 18, 2013, Viejas Arena

  • College of Business Administration Ceremony, 8 a.m.

Speaker: Linda Lang, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Jack in the Box Inc., and 2013 SDSU honorary doctorate degree recipient

Robert Weir (’63, marketing), former SDSU class president who will be honored for his role in bringing JFK to – what was then, San Diego State College – 50 years ago

  • College of Education and the Division of Undergraduate Studies Ceremony, 12 p.m.

Deans Ric Hovda and Geoff Chase will preside over the ceremony

  • College of Sciences Ceremony, 4 p.m.

Dean Stanley Maloy will preside over the ceremony

Sunday, May 19, 2013, Viejas Arena

  • College of Engineering Ceremony, 9 a.m.

Speaker: Irwin Zahn, CEO of Moxie Foundation

  • College of Arts and Letters Ceremony, 1 p.m.

Speaker: John R. Weeks, Distinguished Professor of Geography at SDSU

Stay connected to commencement

SDSU Commencement ceremonies will be broadcast live on:

  • Cox South County and Poway, Channel 23
  • Cox North County, Channel 18
  • Time Warner Cable, Channel 19

*The College of Health and Human Services’ ceremony will not be broadcast live, but will instead be shown on Sunday, May 29, at 10:30 a.m.

Twitter users can also follow commencement tweets posted by students, faculty and staff by searching for #sdsugrad.

Parking and transportation

Ceremonies held at Viejas Arena are expected to fill the 12,000 person capacity, so alternate approaches to campus such as trolley and bus services are recommended.

SDSU will provide courtesy parking in designated parking structures across campus during commencement ceremonies. Special accommodations for disabled parking will also be provided.

More information

Please visit SDSU’s commencement website for additional information.

Make sure you use and follow the hashtag #SDSUGrad if you're on Twitter. 

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