Stories of Leadership: Ryan Schuler

A recent SDSU alum is working with the San Diego Chargers in the digital media department.

Friday, June 21, 2013
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Ryan Schuler received his degree May and already scored a full-time internship with the San Diego Chargers.

The recent journalism graduate is a former sports editor for the Daily Aztec, where he covered a variety of Aztec athletics including men's football, basketball and baseball.  

Q. Tell us the highlights of your professional career.  What are your proudest achievements?

It’s a dream come true to work for the Chargers. To watch the team practice every day, interview players in the locker room and walk past Philip Rivers and Antonio Gates in the halls of the team facility is unbelievable. I’m just happy to contribute to as a digital media intern and writer.

Q. What’s your favorite college memory?

I have so many memories from college. I don’t know if I can choose just one. Covering the SDSU football and men’s basketball games definitely sticks out to me though. I met a lot of sports writers I’ve looked up to for years, as well as some amazing athletes.

Q. Who was your favorite professor and/or what was your favorite class?

I liked all my journalism and media studies professors, but professors Rebecca Nee and Nicole Vargas top the list. I had several classes with Nee, and Vargas introduced me to so many internship opportunities. 

Q. If you were to give current SDSU students some advice, what would you say?

My advice would be to meet as many people as you can and continue to learn outside of the classroom. When you’re sitting in class, talk to people you don’t know in your major because they might know of an opportunity that suits you. Also, if you know of a job you want in the future, do what you can to learn the skills it requires.

Q. What are you currently reading? What’s your favorite book?

I’m not currently reading any books. As a Chargers employee, I do my best to keep up with breaking news around the NFL. My favorite book of all-time is “The Great Gatsby.” I enjoyed the movie as well.

Q. What quality do you value most in friends and colleagues?

I value dedication and trust the most with friends and colleagues. I’m a very dedicated employee, so I strive to help my colleagues complete their best work in a timely manner.

Q. What is your passion?

I’m passionate about many things. Sports and outside activities are my passions. That’s why I love my job. I also like to exercise and hang out at the beach.

Q. What is your motto?

I would say “Carpe Diem.” I just try to live every day to the fullest.

Q. If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings?

I would absolutely do some traveling.  

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