Stories of Leadership: Bianca Kofman
Recent graduate Bianca Kofman channeled her passions to obtain her dream job.

Bianca Kofman ('13) is a recent graduate of San Diego State University, but she was able to dive head first into her dream career before even graduating.
Kofman manages the charity department for Pura Vida Bracelets, a San Diego-based jewelry and fashion line that also works as a nonprofit. Every bracelet purchased helps provide full time jobs for local artisans in Costa Rica.
1. Tell us the highlights of your professional career. What are your proudest achievements?
Three months before graduation I got the perfect job offer — managing the charity department at Pura Vida Bracelets. I studied Kinesiology and decided not to continue down that path. I knew my passions — service and fashion — and knew that I had to take a chance to pursue them. My entire college career set me up for this moment. I’m so thankful that I had the opportunities presented to me at SDSU. The organizations I joined, people I met and jobs I held all set me up for my future.
Now I get to work for an amazing company! I work in a beautiful office in La Jolla with the best co-workers. On top of all that, I’ve been able to continue my passion for fashion and start my own fashion column, Just Ask B. In a little under 6 months, I’ve been able to grow my brand, meet amazing fashion and style writers all over the world and get inspiration for my own designs.
2. What’s your favorite college memory?
There are so many it’s hard to choose just one! Basically any memory that includes meeting someone who has been instrumental in my life. These memories usually revolve around those big moments in the dorms, my sorority (Go Delta Gamma!) and fun nights out!
3. Who was your favorite professor and/or what was your favorite class?
Professor Choi for Sociology 101! He was a professor that made everyone want to learn. To this day, I’ve never seen a 500 student lecture hall at 9 a.m. completely full for the entire semester. And he didn’t even take roll!
4. If you were to give current SDSU students some advice, what would you say?
Just go for it! Try everything and follow your passions. Don’t be afraid to fail and have people tell you that you can’t do that. You’re never stuck in a career or field of study just because you’ve done it for so long.
5. What are you currently reading? What’s your favorite book?
I’m a huge fan of science fiction novels. They mix romance, mystery, action and comedy perfectly. I’m in between novels right now so I haven’t had the chance to get a new one!
6. What quality do you value most in friends and colleagues?
With friends, I’d say just being able to share your passions and know they are genuinely rooting for you and interested. With colleagues, it’d have to say that having team mentality, everything is better when you can collaborate with others on a project and work together.
7. What is your passion?
Definitely fashion with a mix of service, writing and marketing thrown in there. You could also say I have a passion for travel. Travelling allows me to gain insights into other cultures and inspires my writing and designs. The world is beautiful and I want to see it all!
8. What is your motto?
“Just go for it!” It’s something I try to incorporate in everything I do.
9. If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings?
I buy a ticket for every drawing. If I won I’d give a portion to my loved ones and then I’d use to rest to get my projects on their way. I’d finish my designs, build my app and start a magazine. I’d use money to make money and enjoy my passions. And of course I’d travel!