Financial Check-Up Day
Experts will offer free financial advice on Sept. 28.

The interim Mayor’s Office of the City of San Diego and the Financial Planning Association of San Diego will host the third annual Financial Check-Up Day on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013 at San Diego State University.
Financial Check-Up Day offers free financial advice to the citizens of San Diego County from volunteers who are members of the Financial Planning Association of San Diego (FPASD) and are certified financial planners.
"Experts will be on hand to answer questions on how to finance college without debt, credit card basics, how to buy your first house and how to figure out your credit score," said Douglas Buser, a board member of the Financial Planning Association of San Diego.
The SDSU Finance Department and the SDSU Student Financial Planning Association chapter will also help with the event.
More information
Financial Check-Up Day will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., on Sept. 28 at SDSU's Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center.
The event will offer one-on-one personal financial counseling combined with group presentations on selected topics offered throughout the day. Staffing will be by volunteer FPASD members.
All financial advice will be provided by certified financial planners. Mortgage, home ownership and casualty insurance advice will be from FPASD members who are appropriately licensed.