Stories of Leadership: Jennifer Stakiw

Jennifer Stakiw, '03, came to SDSU with a passion for sports and left with a career in her dream field.

Friday, October 11, 2013
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Jennifer Stakiw graduated with a business administration degree from San Diego State University in 2003.

She ran track and cross country where she was a four year letterman, two-time Mountain West Conference Athlete of the Week and team captain for Cross Country. She is also a Canadian National Champion in the 400m Hurdles.

Stakiw has been with the San Diego Chargers since 2007 and currently is the manager of client services. Previous positions with the Chargers include marketing partnerships coordinator and marketing partnerships assistant.

Tell us the highlights of your professional career.  What are your proudest achievements? 

Being an athlete, I knew I wanted a career in sports and I was fortunate to get a chance to work for the Chargers early on. I’m still here and very happy. I am most proud of the work I’ve been able to do with our military veterans.

With the Chargers I was able to start the NFL’s first military appreciation club where we honor our military personnel and families. I am also on the Board of Directors and Director of Sponsorships for the San Diego Chapter of Women in Sports and Events.

What’s your favorite college memory?

My fondest memory is the whole experience of moving from Canada to San Diego, being able to train and compete outdoors in beautiful weather and living by the beach so I could surf! I’m also very grateful for having an internship with the Athletic Department. That started me on my career path.

Who was your favorite professor and/or what was your favorite class?

My favorite professor was Gangaram Singh. He gave me a lot of valuable professional and personal advice. I stay in touch with him to this day.

If you were to give current SDSU students some advice, what would you say?

Always stay connected and network with as many people as you can. You never know when that relationship will come into play. Also, stay humble and work hard.

What are you currently reading? What’s your favorite book?

I am currently reading "Island" by Aldous Huxley. My favorite book is "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. The theme of that book is one I believe in: "Follow your heart and doors will open."

What is your passion?

I am passionate about sports and any activity outdoors, including anything with my dog. I am currently putting a focus on my golf game.

What is your motto?

The wisest person I’ve ever met (my mom) once told me, “Put a smile on no matter what you are going through.” It’s a motto I try to live by today.

If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings?

First, I’d build the dream cottage my parents have always wanted by our favorite lake in Canada. Then I’d donate the rest to charities that aid our wounded warriors and other charities that support our troops.

Which trait do you value most in your friends and colleagues?

I admire the people [who] have achieved something, yet have remained humble. You don’t have to always be vocal about your success. I also value people that work hard.

If you knew you could not fail, what would you attempt?

I’d start my own business. I’m not really sure what that would be right now. It would probably be consulting in the  marketing field or working with the military.

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