Stories of Leadership: Anita Hix

Anita Hix, '90, is the director of marketing for Qualcomm.

Friday, January 24, 2014
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Anita Hix graduated from San Diego State University in 1990 with a marketing degree.

Hix is the director of marketing for Qualcomm and has been with the company since 1990. She directs some of the marketing initiatives for the company’s Snapdragon mobile processor, which is powering a new generation of advanced smartphones, tablets and other smart devices. 

Anita Hix

During her career, she has worked in a variety of marketing roles including positions in the vehicle tracking and email software product groups.

Tell us the highlights of your professional career.  What are your proudest achievements?

I am proud that Qualcomm is the first and only company I’ve worked for. I started when there were fewer than 350 employees, prior to the company going public.  I’ve always been in marketing and to be part of an organization that grew from a start-up to a Fortune 500 company is extremely gratifying.

What’s your favorite college memory?

Graduation Day is my most vivid memory.  It was a milestone of achievement. I was born in San Francisco but grew up in the Lake Tahoe area, attending a small high school with a graduating class of 65.  I knew I wanted to be part of something bigger, to become “lost in the crowd” and to live away from home.  SDSU provided that opportunity and completing that adventure still means something to me.

Who was your favorite professor and/or what was your favorite class?

I knew I wanted to study business, that’s one of the reasons I chose SDSU. I intended to study accounting, but my first marketing class really opened my eyes.  The whole process of identifying a goal or objective, setting a strategy and then determining the tactics to use was something that I found especially interesting.  I’ve made a career out of it.

If you were to give current SDSU students some advice, what would you say?

It’s a tough job market out there today so try to get an internship as soon as you can.  Internships help get you connected and build a network that will be of value down the road.  It will make it a lot harder if you wait until you have graduated.

What are you currently reading? What’s your favorite book?

I’m more of a physical fitness and sports person so I don’t read much, but when I do it tends to be mysteries.  I’m looking for something that takes me out of my day-to-day world.

What is your passion?

Exercise, fitness and being healthy.

What is your motto?

Work hard and play hard, and make sure you do both.

If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings?

First, I’d support some of my favorite charities. Then I’d make sure some of my family members college educations are paid for. And I’d travel. I want to see Australia and go on safari in Africa.

Which trait do you value most in your friends and colleagues?


If you knew you could not fail, what would you attempt?

I’d start a consulting business where I could do what I love, and I’d get to determine the hours.

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