Stories of Leadership: Gabriella Gomez

Gabriella Gomez graduated from SDSU in 2004 and immediately began her career with a Fortune 500 company.

Friday, March 7, 2014
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Gabriella Gomez, ‘04, came to San Diego State University from Hungary.

Gabriella Gomez

Gomez graduated with an accounting degree and immediately began working for Sempra Energy. She has been working with the company for 10 years as an auditor. 

Gomez is a volunteer mentor for Sempra’s mentorship award program with SDSU and is mentoring a finance student this academic year. She enjoys giving back to SDSU and sharing her gratitude and passion for her alma mater.

Tell us the highlights of your professional career. What are your proudest achievements?

Landing a good job and directly following my internship. I have worked in the same rotation group for 10 years and enjoy my career as an auditor.

What’s your favorite college memory?

I was academically focused and came to SDSU as a non-traditional student.

Who was your favorite professor and/or what was your favorite class?

My favorite professor was Will Snyder. Professor Snyder taught accounting. My favorite class was "Challenges of Leisure."

If you were to give current SDSU students some advice, what would you say?

Be “present” and attend your classes. You will learn more than what the material presents and what the professor wants you to learn.

What are you currently reading?

Pope Francis’ daily news online.

What is your passion?

My children.

What is your motto?

Keep smiling.

If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings?

Give it away to family, friends, and the community.

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