Professor Lauded for Outstanding Service

Theatre Professor Peter Larlham was honored by Phi Kappa Phi for his global service.

Thursday, May 1, 2014
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San Diego State University theater professor Peter Larlham has been selected by the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society — the nation’s oldest and most selective all discipline honor society — as the first recipient of the Ray Sylvester Phi Kappa Phi Distinguished Service Award for his outstanding dedication to service that extends beyond the realm of academia.

Larlham during his visit to Tanzania.
Larlham visited Tanzania to build a library in an underserved village.

An accomplished teacher of acting, directing and improvisation, Larlham’s career spans more than 40 years. In addition to his leadership and achievement as a scholar, he has made a substantial impact through his service commitments both of a national and international scope.

Global service

One of Larlham’s most noteworthy and sustained service endeavors is The Mnyakongo Primary School Project in Tanzania. During a visit in the summer of 2008, Larlham was devastated by the poor condition of the school’s library and has since committed to transforming the village of Kongwa, its school and the well-being of the students.

The project’s scope has included building a school library that houses more than 8,500 books, helping secure electricity and running water for the campus, refurbishing buildings and buying goats to provide milk for the school lunch program. The initiative, under Larlham’s leadership, continues to expand its efforts each year.

“As the first recipient of the Distinguished Service Award, Larlham exhibits fully that spirit of selfless giving for the betterment of others that Phi Kappa Phi seeks to honor,” said Paul Ferlazzo, chair of the Phi Kappa Phi Distinguished Service Award selection committee.

“Generous with his time, energy and expertise, he has created programs that have profoundly impacted the lives of young students in Tanzania and provided as well valuable lessons to the students of SDSU.”

Larlham has taught at the SDSU School of Theatre, Television, and Film since 1987. He holds a Ph.D. from New York University.

About the award

The Ray Sylvester Phi Kappa Phi Distinguished Service Award was established in 2013 and will be given once every two years. Recipients receive a $1,000 honorarium, a life membership to Phi Kappa Phi and a trip to present at the Society’s biennial convention.

More About Phi Kappa Phi

Founded in 1897 at the University of Maine and headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Phi Kappa Phi has chapters on more than 300 college and university campuses in North America and the Philippines.

Its mission is "to recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others." Since its founding, more than 1.25 million members have been initiated.

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