7 Things About Jeff Campbell
Campbell is the program director for SDSU's masters program in the L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism.

Jeff Campbell is the former CEO of Burger King and ex-Chairman of the Pillsbury Restaurant Group. He has also held the posts of senior vice president for brand development for Pepsi-Cola as well as CEO of the Johnny Rockets and Catalina Restaurant Groups.
He has a bachelor's degree in psychology from Fairfield University, an MBA in marketing from Columbia University and a master's degree in history from the University of Miami.
Campbell is the program director for San Diego State University's master’s program in the L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism.

1. What inspired you to do this kind of work?
I always thought that at the end of my business career it would be potentially rewarding to teach at the university and/or graduate school level. It has turned out to be hugely rewarding and stimulating — much more so than anticipated.
2. How long have you worked at SDSU?
It’s hard to believe, but I’m now in my 9th year at SDSU. It has gone by in the proverbial “heartbeat.”
3. What is the best piece of advice you ever received?
One of my mentors was Norman Brinker, restaurant industry legend and founder of Steak and Ale, Bennigan’s, effective founder of Chili’s and more. Norman once suggested to me — early in my career as a senior leader — that I’d probably get much better results with my team if I just set the objective and give them the opportunity to determine how to achieve it instead of trying to tell them how to do it.
He was right and I’ve operated that way ever since. It has amazed me over the years what people are capable of when they are inspired, empowered, and clear about what “success” is supposed to look like.
4. What is your favorite thing about your job?
Hands down, it’s the interaction with the students, whether they’re undergraduates or master’s students in their 50s. That’s where the electricity comes from for me.
5. What about your field or position do you think would surprise people the most?
The amount of effort that must go into course preparation.
6. What is the most interesting or surprising thing about you?
Perhaps that I’m working on my second novel. Not published yet but there’s still time.
7. If you could only rescue one thing from your burning office, what would it be?
I already have an answer for that because when my wife and I had to evacuate our home in Rancho Bernardo during the 2007 fires, I had to make a decision very much like that. As I paused just before heading out the door at 3 a.m., I spotted my late father’s 1930’s encyclopedia set, which sits front and center on the desk in my den.
I grabbed one of the volumes and left, figuring that if the house burned, I’d at least have one of those books. My Dad was a high school dropout from Brooklyn, New York, who’d basically educated himself via books like that cheap encyclopedia and who forever after believed that education was a critical key to a quality life and inculcated that view in me from the time I was in grade school.
He’s been dead now for 43 years, but I think about him every day and I know he’d be thrilled about what I’m doing at SDSU.
Bonus Questions
1. What is your favorite kind of music/what are your favorite bands?
I love ALL kinds of music! Blues, country, classical, jazz, you name it. iTunes for me was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
My favorite performers are Nancy Wilson and the Modern Jazz Quartet in jazz, Emmylou Harris and Alison Krause in country/bluegrass, country acoustic blues from the Delta and Puccini when it comes to opera.
2. What is your favorite sports team or who is your favorite individual athlete?
I am a New York Mets and Giants fan. Grew up there and cannot shake it. Favorite active athlete: Derek Jeter, who is about the best competitor I’ve ever seen and who made the absolute best single play I’ve ever seen (playoff against Oakland some years back).