Faculty Awarded Tenure, Promotion

SDSU Provost and Senior Vice President Chukuka S. Enwemeka announced faculty tenure and promotions for 2014-2015.

Monday, August 11, 2014
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The following faculty were promoted and/or tenured effective at the beginning of the 2014-2015 academic year, Provost and Senior Vice President Chukuka S. Enwemeka announced.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Promoted to professor

  • Edward Blum – History
  • Thierry Devos – Psychology
  • Kelly Doran – Biology
  • Paul Gilbert – Psychology
  • Jonathan Graubart – Political Science
  • Audrey Hokoda – Child and Family Development
  • Tom Huxford – Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Gustaaf Jacobs – Aerospace Engineering
  • Lisa Lamb – Teacher Education
  • Khaleel Mohammed – Religious Studies
  • David Morong – Theatre, Television and Film
  • Ramona Perez – Anthropology
  • Vadim Ponomarenko – Mathematics and Statistics
  • Penelope J. E. Quintana – Public Health
  • Satish Kumar Sharma – Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Sthaneshwar Timalsina – Religious Studies
  • Satchi Venkataraman – Aerospace Engineering
  • Kathy Williams – Biology

Promoted to associate professor and tenured

  • Ashkan Ashrafi – Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Todd Braje – Anthropology
  • Hung Chan – Charles W. Lamden School of Accountancy
  • Frederick Conway – Anthropology
  • Patricia Cué Couttolenc – Art and Design
  • Elizabeth Dinsdale – Biology
  • Kathryn Farris – English and Comparative Literature
  • Victoria Gonzalez-Rivera – Chicana and Chicano Studies
  • Christopher Harrison – Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Anh Hua – Women’s Studies
  • Eunjeong Ko – Social Work
  • Perry Pauley – Communication
  • Jess Ponting – L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Maria Rybakova – Classics and Humanities
  • Quazi Shahriar – Economics
  • Mauro Tambasco – Physics
  • Meredith Vaughn – Teacher Education
  • Patrick Walders – Music and Dance
  • Jonathan Luke Wood – Administration, Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary Education
  • Ricardo Zayas Ventura – Biology

Tenured as professor

  • Mitchell Rauh – Exercise and Nutritional Sciences

Tenured as associate professor

  • Panagiotis Mitropoulos – Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
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