7 Things About Patsy Armstrong

Patsy Armstrong knows all about having Aztec pride.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014
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Patsy Aleta Armstrong is the football office coordinator for San Diego State University's Department of Athletics.

Armstrong previously worked in the Student Life & Leadership Office in the Division of Student Affairs.

Patsy Armstrong

"During that time, my responsibilities grew tremendously as I became a lead Aztec Nights programmer, advising more than 300 student organizations, managing the university outdoor space process and supervising our amazing students," she said. "My core professional growth and development was attributed to all these great experiences."

When Armstrong first began her career in higher education, her passion was athletics, and when the opportunity to rejoin athletics presented itself, she couldn’t pass it up.

"I look forward to expanding my role in the department and bringing my drive and hard work to the west side of campus," she said. 

1. What inspired you to do this kind of work?

Working in higher education has been transformational. I enjoy witnessing student development as they transform from anxious freshman to young professionals. Any development I’ve provided to students that help them become phenomenal people, has been the most rewarding experience! Whether it’s being a mentor, planning Aztec Nights events that enhance their college experience or simply being a friend is a constant reminder of why I love working at this university.

2. How long have you worked at SDSU?

Nine years, since 2005.

3. What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

You can only control what you can control.

4. What is your favorite thing about your job?

Having the opportunity to interact with so many different students, whether it’s working in athletics with student-athletes, or mentoring student leaders in Student Life & Leadership, I’ve had the unique opportunity to appreciate and interact with the diversity of our campus. I also love building long lasting relationships with all the administration, faculty and staff!

5. What about your field or position do you think would surprise people the most?

Most people think working in Athletics is all fun and games. It’s a special field that requires hard work, dedication, long hours and an undeniable passion for sports. 

6. What is the most interesting or surprising thing about you?

I love to dance salsa, merengue and bachata!

7. If you could only rescue one thing from your burning office, what would it be?

The picture of my father and mother.

Bonus Questions

1. What is your favorite kind of music/what are your favorite bands?

90’s R&B and reggae.

2. What is your favorite sports team or who is your favorite individual athlete?

SDSU football and basketball, of course! My favorite professional is San Diego Chargers and my favorite athlete is Brett Farve.

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