Tales from Abroad

The Be International blog expands efforts to promote SDSUs international education and study abroad endeavors.

Thursday, February 12, 2015
Seven SDSU students will contribute to the Be International Blog.
Seven SDSU students will contribute to the Be International Blog.

From San Diego to Spain, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Hungary, Turkey, Korea and back — what reads like a veritable round-the-world trip is the list of study abroad destinations of seven Aztec bloggers kicking off a brand new project: the SDSU Be International blog.

The latest addition to Be International, an initiative created to infuse international education into every Aztec’s Experience, the blog turns the spotlight on the study abroad student’s perspective.

What does it feel like to leave the warmth of Southern California for the cool snow of Stockholm? How does it change a Spanish major’s view on the language when she dives into centuries of Spanish history and culture? How different is navigating a university campus in the United Kingdom from one in the United States?

Be International bloggers Alina Bilal, Rose Borges, Rubi Carrazco, Douglas Chun, Kira Collins, Noelle Lovgren and Jessica Nicasio will answer these and other questions over the course of their semester abroad.

More immediate, more engaging

In writing, pictures and videos these students will share their personal, yet universal, journeys so their peers and professors in San Diego can get a taste of what it means to become an Aztec.

In her first post, marketing major Nicasio described her thoughts as she sat on the plane that was taking her to the Spanish capital of Madrid.

“I'm 32,998 feet in the air and with 4,181 miles to go,” she wrote. “I hope my experiences will inspire you to go abroad!”

The blog is designed to complement SDSU's many resources for both students wanting to go abroad and international students from all over the world coming to live and learn in San Diego.

The pilot project, “Aztecs Blogging From Abroad” capitalizes all the opportunities that come with a blog: interaction between bloggers and readers, strong multimedia components, and a large variety of voices, styles, and content.

Wide range of experiences

The range of experiences becomes obvious within the first handful of posts. While Collins, a social science and anthropology major, found her expectations of studying in Sweden “completely surpassed in the first few days,” not all bloggers had such a smooth start.

Interdisciplinary studies major Bilal, who arrived in Leicester, United Kingdom, found herself a bit overwhelmed. Challenged by the many little differences between SDSU and her English host university, she had to work her way through a case of homesickness.

But a weekend with a good friend and a stroll through unfamiliar territory, immersed in raw landscapes and historic architecture, brought Bilal back on track. “Getting lost is the best way to find things,” Bilal titles the learning curve of her first few days in Leicester.

Check out the Be International bloggers website to learn more about what the student travelers are up to. New posts will be published multiple times per week throughout the semester with further projects and expansions expected in the future.

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