Stories of Leadership: Armen Keteyian

Keteyian has led a successful journalism career since graduating from SDSU in 1976.

Thursday, April 23, 2015
Armen Keteyian
Armen Keteyian
“College, especially SDSU, is like an incubator; it nurtures your dreams and helps you grow up in countless ways.”

Armen Keteyian graduated cum laude from San Diego State University with a bachelor's degree in journalism in 1976. He was also a a member of the SDSU baseball team.

He currently works as the lead correspondent for “60 Minutes Sports” and a contributing correspondent for “60 Minutes.” Prior to joining the 60 Minutes team, Keteyian worked for ABC News, CBS Sports, CBS News and was a featured correspondent for HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.

Keteyian has earned 11 Emmys throughout his career for his commitment to ethical journalism and investigative pieces.

Follow him on Twitter at @armenketeyian.

1. Why did you choose SDSU? 

It was the seventies — fun, sun, baseball and SDSU has a very strong journalism department

2. What’s your favorite college memory?

Sitting on “the wall” leading up to the student union.

3. Who was your favorite professor and/or what was your favorite class?

James Julian, mass communication and law. The toughest class I took at State and, hands down, the best.

4. What experiences at SDSU helped you grow professionally?

Writing for The Daily Aztec, and success and failure on the baseball field. I learned far more from failure.

5. Who was your “SDSU family?” What clubs, organizations or teams were you a part of?

My fraternity, so to speak, was the baseball team. My roomie Randy Hanson, the late, great Dave Smith, Jim Skaalen, Jack Hacker — guys like that, still friends to this day.

6. As a professional, where are you now?

I’m the lead correspondent for “60 Minutes Sports” on Showtime and a contributing correspondent for “60 Minutes.”

7. Tell us the highlights of your professional career. What are your proudest achievements?

Working at “Sports Illustrated” in the eighties; being hired by the legendary Roone Arledge at ABC News; covering the NFL and Tour de France for CBS Sports; spending 10 years at Real Sports; being named the chief investigative correspondent for CBS News in 2006; and now working at the pinnacle of my profession, “60 Minutes.” Also, I guess, authoring or co-authoring three books that have made the New York Times best-seller list.

8. Why is it so important to get involved during college?

The more involved you are, the more you learn about yourself. College, especially SDSU, is like an incubator; it nurtures your dreams and helps you grow up in countless ways.

9. If you were to give current SDSU students some advice, what would you say?

Don’t chase the dollar. Find a great partner in life and a job you love, and work as hard as you can to be great. Not good. Great. Hard work and passion still stand out in the so-called “real world.”

10. Why do you stay connected to SDSU?

Because I want, in some small way, to repay the place that helped form the foundation of who I am today.

11. What is your favorite thing about being an Aztec?

Right now admiring the way Steve Fisher has transformed our basketball team, and the leadership of President Hirshman, who has made reconnecting with Aztec alums across the country a priority.  

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