Marcela Miranda-Caballero's Aztec Experience

Marcela Miranda-Caballero is an intern for the mayor of San Diego, member of Associated Students and dedicated student.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Marcela Miranda-Caballero
Marcela Miranda-Caballero

Name: Marcela Miranda-Caballero
Major: Management with a minor in political science
Campus affiliations: Hispanic Business Student Association and A.S. Student Support Commission

1. Why did you choose SDSU?

I chose San Diego State University because I was raised in San Diego for the majority of my life and absolutely love this city. I love how SDSU has so much to offer, from classes to organizations to events. Because it’s so diverse, it allows me to submerge myself into different cultures and make new friendships.

2. What inspired you to declare your major?

I was exposed to the business sector at a very young age because I grew up around family members who run business. Many of these family members are vibrant leaders around my community and have constantly motivated me to set goals and never give up!

3. What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

The two best pieces of advice that I have ever received are short and sweet, but meaningful. “Look sharp, feel sharp, act sharp,” and, “When trying to achieve your goals, never take no for an answer.” As I embark on my journey to achieve my dreams, I have come across people who are negative and others who don’t believe in me. It’s important to never lose confidence in yourself and to have a vision of what you want to achieve.

4. Which SDSU faculty or staff member has been the most influential throughout your SDSU journey?

My mentor and professor for my business rhetorical writing studies class this past spring, Helen Anderson-Cruz. In her class she not only taught me the course fundamentals, but the value of a strong work ethic. She always pushed me — and still does — to step out of my comfort zone, believe in myself and take a leap of faith. When professors genuinely care for their students, it makes a big difference on the perspective you take on in class.

5. What experience at SDSU has changed your life the most?

I was a commuter student my freshman year. Trying to become involved on campus and adjusting can be overwhelming. Fortunately, I was able to be a part of CASA Azteca, which is a student success program that aims to create a small community where students are able to make friends and are supported academically. Until today, I still hang out with the friends I made and am extremely grateful for the academic support, tutoring and mentoring I received from this program.

6. What has been your proudest achievement while at SDSU?

I would say that my proudest achievement at SDSU has to be being able to balance my 18-unit course load, working two part-time jobs, being a mentor for a high school student at Mana de San Diego and interning for the Mayor of San Diego

7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself at the next level academically. Completing an MBA, or master’s in public policy or maybe even law school. I am very open to everything. One thing is for sure, whatever I end up doing has to entail working with my community to make a positive impact and change within it.

8. What’s your favorite thing about being an Aztec?

My favorite part of being an Aztec is how SDSU has so much school spirit. I love when everyone comes together to cheer on our sports team! Also, I love how our school  has the ability to unite for a cause and try to find innovative ways to solve issues happening both on and off-campus.

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