New Faculty: College of Health and Human Services
Three new faculty members joined the college this fall.

The College of Health and Human Services provides students with top-notch professors and technology. Each department within the college works toward a common goal of preparing students for professional practice with hands-on experience.
Three new faculty members will join the college this fall. They are among 53 new faculty members joining the SDSU family this semester.
Graduate School of Public Health

Caroline A. Thompson, Ph.D., M.P.H. (University of California, Los Angeles 2010, 2013)
Thompson is an epidemiologist specializing in cancer epidemiology and epidemiologic methodology. Her primary area of interest is in the development and application of methods for use in observational research with existing sources of clinical “real world data” (e.g., electronic health records or “EHR”). Much of this work is applied in studying disparities in cancer diagnosis and treatment. She is a consulting investigator with Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute, and co-investigator on Stanford University’s Oncoshare study, which links 14-years of longitudinal EHR data from two neighboring health care systems with the California Cancer Registry for approximately 18,000 breast cancer patients.

Mingan “Mike” Yang, Ph.D. (University of New Mexico 2006)
Yang is a statistician with focus on applications to health and medical problems. His areas of interest include Bayesian statistics, nonparametric statistics, survival analysis, variable selection and latent variable models. He is a member of American Statistical Association and the International Chinese Statistical Association.
School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

Giang Pham, Ph.D. C.C.C.-S.L.P. (University of Minnesota 2011)
Pham investigates language development and disorders among bilingual children. Her research interests include first and second-language developmental trajectories, cross-linguistic transfer, ethnic identity, and treatment for bilingual children with language impairment. She is presently comparing children in the U.S. who speak either Vietnamese or Spanish at home in order to understand common processes for learning two languages and unique processes related to individual language pairs and ethnic communities. She is also collaborating with researchers in Vietnam to identify language impairment among Vietnamese speakers, which in turn informs her work with Vietnamese-English bilinguals in the U.S. Pham has worked as a trilingual speech-language pathologist, fluent in Vietnamese, Spanish, and English.