An Instrumental Alum

Sarah Eishen, '90, has attended every SDSU Homecoming game for the last decade.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Eishen playing at the 2014 Homecoming game. Photo courtesy of Chuk Gawlik.
Eishen playing at the 2014 Homecoming game. Photo courtesy of Chuk Gawlik.

When it comes to being an Aztec for Life, Sarah Eishen, '90, is the bandleader of a loyal group of dedicated alumni — literally.

As president of SDSU Athletic Bands Alumni, she has performed at almost every homecoming game in the past 12 years. As a former member of the Marching Aztecs and Pep Band, Eishen can't get enough of Aztec Athletics. 

"My husband — who is also an SDSU alum — and I have had season tickets for football and basketball for many years," Eishen said.  

"I owe so much of my life to SDSU,” she added. “Everything I have is a result of being in the Marching Aztecs.” 

With the band

When Eishen first  got involved with the alumni band, it was a simple set up of a few dedicated former Marching Aztecs. Under Eishen's direction, the band has grown tremendously.

"We have our own alumni drumline — there are 18 snare drums alone!" she said. "We will also have 10 to 15 people in color guard."

The band consists of alumni who graduated in the 1940s, up to recent graduates — all of whom Eishen considers friends.

“I get to meet people who are in the band now and watch them grow up and get married and have kids and it's just such a great opportunity for expanding this amazing network we have with band alumni," she said.

As the band continues to grow, Eishen remembers the earlier days fondly.

"We attended Homecoming before it was a real tradition," she said. "we would show up to the games with our horns and play with the Marching Aztecs.”

Welcome home

As Eishen prepares to play at her thirteenth Homecoming game on Nov. 14 against Wyoming, she encourages her fellow SDSU alumni to come to campus for the annual celebration.

"If you went to SDSU, you committed to the university, and look where it is now — you helped make it what it is today! Homecoming is the chance to celebrate that," she said. "There’s so much happening on campus — appreciate what it is now and see what’s changed over time since graduation."

The 2015 SDSU Homecoming week runs from Nov. 8 through 14. 

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