Jordan Maharaj's Aztec Experience

Getting involved on campus has helped shape Maharaj's Aztec Experience.

Friday, February 12, 2016
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Name: Jordan Maharaj
Major: Business administration, specialization in information systems
Campus affiliations: Rotaract of SDSU, Associated Students, Aztec Dance Marathon, Aztec P.R.I.D.E

1. Why did you choose SDSU?

I chose SDSU for many reasons. My sister attended this school and I had many opportunities to visit three years before I even applied. I fell in love with the beautiful environment and the campus life. I knew there was no way I could pass up a school like this!

2. What inspired you to declare your major?

I took an introductory course for business students — MIS 180 — and was immediately drawn to the subject and HTML coding. I decided that I would continue to pursue it and have continuously enjoyed studying it.

3. What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

“Don’t just leave your legacy, LIVE your legacy.” Immediate past president of San Diego Rotary, Michelle Candland, has taught me that you must share your passions and make positive impacts to those around you throughout your life, because you have no idea how the simplest act can touch the lives of others.

4. Which SDSU faculty or staff member has been the most influential throughout your SDSU journey?

The most influential faculty member for me has been Malerie McNeill, the advisor for Rotaract of SDSU. Sometimes people don’t even realize how much of an impact they are making in your life. She has been supportive and so dedicated to promoting the opportunities we have on campus while still making time to attend Rotaract and be such a valuable resource. Her exuberant attitude lightens up the room and I appreciate her so much!

5. What experience at SDSU has changed your life the most?

Receiving admission into Rotaract of SDSU my first year was an experience that has changed my life forever. Having the ability to change lives through service projects like building schools in Tecate, Mexico, mentoring high school students and so much more has given me endless opportunities to serve the community and promote “Service Above Self.”

6. What has been your proudest achievement while at SDSU?

My proudest achievement has to be the friendships and relationships I have formed in my three years here. I’m confident they will last a lifetime and I’m proud to have such a strong support system here!

7. What is the most interesting or surprising thing about you?

Most people don’t know that I used to play competitive golf for seven years. However, due to an injury, I had to stop playing but still enjoy playing recreationally from time to time.

8. What’s your favorite thing about being an Aztec?

Having a supportive Aztec family, going to basketball games and being able to call myself an Aztec for Life!

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