Making Campus More Visitor Friendly
This summer parking areas will be renumbered to make it easier for visitors to find their way around campus.

This summer, San Diego State University will embark on a vehicular wayfinding project to improve directional signage for visitors to campus.
Every day people come to SDSU as new and prospective students and their parents, fans attending sporting and entertainment events, guest lecturers, career fair vendors and more.
While some pedestrian signage exists, there is currently little to no signage directing visitors in cars to parking areas or venues. The existing campus parking area numbering system is not sequential, resulting in confusion for visitors. The project will be implemented in two phases:
- New parking garage and lot signage which will reflect a sequential re-naming of the garages and lots
- New vehicular directional signage on campus roads
Parking garage and lot signage
The existing names and numbers will remain in place until Sunday, May 15. On Monday, May 16, temporary signage with new numbers will be placed on all garages and lots. New, permanent signage will be installed over the summer and will be complete before the start of classes on August 29, 2016.
The new signage will clearly identify which lots and garages are available to visitors and those used for event parking. In order to make it easier to find a particular garage or lot, the current letter and number system will be simplified and re-ordered to begin at structure one and proceed in numerical sequence in a clockwise direction.
The location of visitor, student, staff and faculty spaces will not change. The only changes will be in the names of those locations. Click here to see existing versus new parking location names.
Vehicular directional signage
Signage will be installed directing visitors in cars to major destinations on campus, which will be primarily visitor and event parking areas.
Signage on campus streets will be installed over the summer of 2016, with completion targeted for August 2016.
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