Sebastian Wallat's Aztec Experience

This Aztec is involved in the International Business Society and Real Estate Society.

Monday, November 21, 2016
Sebastian Wallat worked at an engineering company in Germany before applying to SDSU.
Sebastian Wallat worked at an engineering company in Germany before applying to SDSU.
“Getting involved on campus, being engaged in classes and making every minute of your student life count is what makes a successful student.”
Name: Sebastian Wallat
Major (and minor): International business major with minors in French and computer science
Campus affiliations: International Business Society, Aztecs Out in Business, Real Estate Society, Intercultural Ambassador Program, ISC/Passport Office

1. Why did you choose San Diego State University?

I chose SDSU for its excellent international business program, which ranks ninth in the nation. I also chose SDSU for its perfect weather and beautiful beaches.

2. What inspired you to declare your major?

After having worked at an engineering company in Germany for three years, I realized that I was more interested in the business aspects than the engineering itself. I have always been interested in languages and traveling to foreign countries, so I decided to declare a major in international business with emphasis in Spanish and Latin America.

3. What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

“Not everything has to work out.” My mom is great at giving advice. When something doesn’t go the way I expected, I easily get frustrated. I’m dedicated to doing my very best but sometimes things are just not meant to work out. While you can always learn from these situations, sometimes it’s just best to let go and move on.

4. What does student success mean to you?

I believe student success means doing everything possible to become the best version of yourself you could possibly be. Train your brain, make lasting connections, gain life and work experience and don’t just study, but learn. We often oversee all of the opportunities in attending a university and focus on studying while life is passing us by. Getting involved on campus, being engaged in classes and making every minute of your student life count is what makes a successful student.

5. What experience at SDSU has changed your life the most?

Through my involvement at the International Student Center and the networking with other students there, I found out about an opportunity to go on a sponsored trip to Israel for two weeks this past May. We were a group of 18 SDSU students and traveled to Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, the West Bank, and even to the border of Syria. Meeting people of different religions and cultures has given me an entirely new understanding of the Middle East and was a truly life-changing experience.

6. What has been your proudest achievement while at SDSU?

Being involved in several student organizations and working my way up to be the vice president of the International Business Society in only three semesters makes me very proud.  I am dedicated and motivated to push myself even further and become a leader that others can look to for guidance.

7. Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years, I hope to be working for a tech startup or obtaining an MBA at the National University of Singapore or at New York University.

8. What’s your favorite thing about being an Aztec?

My favorite thing about being an Aztec is that whenever I travel and tell people where I study they envy me for it and I realize how lucky I am to live and learn in such a wonderful place.
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