Student Organization Spotlight: KORE

The Kinesiology Organization Revolutionizing Exercise teaches and engages in health, fitness, and nutrition activities.

Thursday, November 17, 2016
The Kinesiology Organization Revolutionizing Exercise offers exercise and academic workshops as well as volunteer opportunities. (Credit: KORE)
The Kinesiology Organization Revolutionizing Exercise offers exercise and academic workshops as well as volunteer opportunities. (Credit: KORE)
San Diego State University's Kinesiology Organization Revolutionizing Exercise (KORE) is a student organization that aims to assist students in becoming elite, innovative, and successful practitioners and leaders within the exercise and nutritional science fields.

KORE's mission is to connect kinesiology students to professional opportunities by providing networking and hands-on experience in the health-fitness industry.

The organization’s president, Marisol Lacour, says she was interested in starting KORE last year because as a transfer student, she wanted to connect with other kinesiology majors as well as facilitate more opportunities for students.

How has the Kinesiology Organization Revolutionizing Exercise positively affected your time at SDSU?

KORE has definitely given me opportunities to meet great professionals and students within my career path. KORE has also allowed me to give opportunities to other students such as sending them to conferences.

What has been the highlight of your time with your organization?

Watching KORE grow from basically nothing to being one of the largest College of Health and Human Services organizations in just a year and a half has been the highlight of my time with the organization. I also enjoy receiving positive feedback from our members and hearing that they are benefiting from what we are offering.  

Is your organization open to all majors or is it major specific?

KORE is catered to be more major specific, but we welcome anyone who is interested in learning more about fitness and exercise.

When it comes to finding new members for your organization, what type of students are you looking for?

We are looking for students who want to be more involved within the exercise and nutritional science fields. We also want students who are excited to learn and enhance their knowledge of fitness and rehabilitation. The students should also be interested in internships, job opportunities, and networking opportunities.

When are your meetings and is there a membership fee?

Our membership fee is $15 for the academic year. We don’t have a set meeting time, but all of our events can be found on the Kinesiology Organization Revolutionizing Exercise website.  

How can students find more information about your organization?

Student can find out information about KORE by visiting the Kinesiology Organization Revolutionizing Exercise website or the KORE Facebook page.

What kind of activities does your organization plan?

We plan movement-based workshops as well as academic workshops. We also volunteer with various foundations around San Diego.

Which SDSU faculty have had an impact on your organization?

Our organization advisor, Fabio Comana, has had a great impact in helping us grow KORE. We have also had great help from the Exercise and Nutritional Sciences office staff.
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