SDSU's College of Education Awarded Record Number of Grants

Faculty members in the College of Education received more externally funded grants in 2016 than some of the traditional powerhouse universities.

Friday, June 16, 2017
SDSU's College of Education Awarded Record Number of Grants
SDSU's College of Education is a leader among U.S. universities when it comes to external grants.
San Diego State University’s College of Education is a leader among U.S. universities when it comes to external grants. With $21 million in external funding in 2016, SDSU is among the top 30 universities in the country for these coveted awards.

U.S. News and World Report ranked SDSU No. 26 among universities nationwide in external grant dollars last year. The ranking includes both public and private universities.

“This achievement speaks to the efforts and dedication of the faculty in the College of Education and the outstanding leadership of Dean Joseph Johnson and his team,” said Chukuka S. Enwemeka, provost and senior vice president. “We are particularly pleased that we had a higher grant award total than some traditional powerhouses like the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, the University of California Berkeley, and Boston College.”

Johnson said the university’s increasing attention to the grant application process is now yielding rewards. One program dedicated to this is the Grants and Research Enterprise Writing (GREW) Fellowship.

“Many of our faculty members have participated in the GREW program, which trains researchers to write grant proposals,” said Johnson. “The training provides faculty members with the tools they need to actively and aggressively pursue prestigious grant opportunities.”

Recent success stories

SDSU’s College of Education is part of a recent national $47 million initiative to improve programs that train aspiring school principals. The Wallace Foundation selected SDSU and six other U.S. universities to examine state policy and determine which procedures might be strengthened for higher-quality training. The grant will bring $6.2 million to SDSU over the next four years.

Earlier this year, the College of Education was tasked by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) with developing programs through which students earn both an undergraduate degree and a teaching credential in four years. In all, SDSU received four grants totaling $1 million from the CTC, double the number awarded by the CTC to any other institution.

A great reputation

“The organizations that award grants consider the personnel who would administer them when they select the recipients,” said Johnson. “The outstanding reputation of our programs and faculty have been instrumental to bringing grants to the university.”

U.S. News & World Report ranked SDSU’s College of Education No. 57 in the nation among all universities and No. 39 among public universities, making it the highest ranked graduate-level education program in San Diego and 8th in California. The college's online master’s degree program also ranked among the best in the nation at No. 22.
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