Samantha Ledesmas Aztec Experience

Samantha Ledesma is the president of the PSFA College Council.

Monday, September 25, 2017
Samantha Ledesma
Samantha Ledesma
Name: Samantha Ledesma
Major and minor: Criminal justice with an honors minor in interdisciplinary studies
Campus affiliations: Guardian Scholars, Office of Educational Opportunity Programs and Ethnic Affairs, Weber Honors College, PSFA College Council and Criminal Justice Student Association

1. Why did you choose to attend San Diego State University?

After being introduced to the valuable resources both Guardian Scholars and the Office of Educational Opportunity Programs and Ethnic Affairs (EOP) had to offer to students with similar backgrounds as myself, I knew right away SDSU would be the college I would attend. I chose SDSU because I believed that Guardian Scholars would give a community to which I could thrive in, connect with, and achieve my fullest potential. To this day, SDSU and the Guardian Scholars Program have given me access to key resources and a magnitude of opportunities, which have shaped me into who I am today and where I am headed with my future aspirations.

2. What inspired you to declare your major?

My neighborhood had a significant impact in my life growing up, and it was what motivated me to pursue a career in something that I believed I could help create positive changes through. Criminal justice was that major for me. In the future, I hope my education and career will give back to the community I grew up in and also help other similar underserved communities.

3. What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

The best piece of advice I have ever received was to always keep faith no matter what type of obstacle you are facing. A positive mind and heart will always persevere.

4. Which SDSU faculty or staff member has been the most influential throughout your SDSU journey?

Career Development and Diversity Engagement Counselor Christy Quiogue from SDSU Career Services has been my number one supporter at SDSU. She has given me advice to help me thrive both personally and professionally and has been someone who really understands me. Christy always goes above and beyond for her students, ensuring that they are ready for that next step in their lives. Having someone who always believes in you makes a difference, and she does just that and more.

5. What does student success mean to you?

Student success to me means challenging yourself and working hard to accomplish your goals and dreams. I genuinely believe that anyone can achieve anything they set both their hearts and minds to do. When you face your fears, get out of your comfort zone and try new things, you grow so much from it.

6. What experience at SDSU has changed your life the most?

Being involved with the Criminal Justice Student Association since my freshman year has changed my life the most. This organization is like a family to me, and it is always so fulfilling attending all the events along with other like-minded students who are always eager to help the community and one another thrive.

7. What has been your proudest achievement while at SDSU?

My proudest achievement while at SDSU has been staying at this university and setting an example for my younger siblings. I am thankful that my parents emigrated from Mexico to the United States in search of a better life because I wouldn’t be here otherwise. Every day is a blessing and being able to be at this institution working toward a future for my family makes it all worth it.

8. Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years, I see myself working in a capacity that is serving low-income communities. I want to be paying it forward and inspiring youth to seek higher education and a career they are passionate about.

9. What’s your favorite thing about SDSU?

My favorite thing about SDSU is how remarkable all the programs and resources are for students. The EOP, which houses the Undocumented Resource Center and Guardian Scholars Program, provides opportunities for students who are traditionally the first ones in their families to attend college. I also love how beautiful this campus is—it really makes me appreciate being here every day.
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