Will Wisemans Aztec Experience

Will Wiseman is the College of Engineering representative on the Associated Students University Council.

Monday, November 6, 2017
Will Wiseman
Will Wiseman
Name: Will Wiseman
Major and minor: Mechanical engineering with a minor in entrepreneurship
Campus affiliations: Tau Beta Pi, Theta Chi, Associated Students, Phi Kappa Phi, Golden Key International, Phi Eta Sigma, National Society of Collegiate Scholars

1. Why did you choose to attend San Diego State University?

Originally, I didn’t plan to attend SDSU. I knew I would succeed no matter where I went to school so eventually I turned my sights to SDSU. The idea of being the small fish in a big pond excited me because that meant not only more competition but also a higher ceiling for achievement.

2. What inspired you to declare your major?

I have always been passionate about protecting the environment, so when choosing a major, I knew I wanted to do something to contribute to the greater good of the world. I genuinely believe in the potential of renewable energies so my student career has been centered around preparing myself as best as possible to hit the ground running as soon as I graduate.

3. What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

“Do it right, and do it right the first time.” My parents ingrained this lifestyle in me, and it has fueled my work ethic ever since. I won’t stop working on something until I produce the best possible product, every time.

4. Which SDSU faculty or staff member has been the most influential throughout your SDSU journey?

Professor Khaled Morsi has been my favorite teacher at SDSU by far. His passion for the material that he teaches is infectious, and he genuinely cares for the well-being of his students. Professors like him form lifelong inspiration.

5. What does student success mean to you?

Student success to me means that once I have graduated I will be fully prepared to compete at a global level in the professional world. College is the springboard to success, and I know that the effort I put in now will set the trajectory for the rest of my life.

6. What has been your proudest achievement while at SDSU?

My proudest achievement while at SDSU has to be my victory in the election campaign I ran for the Associated Students College of Engineering representative. I won the election by two votes, the smallest margin of victory for any position. The victory validated the hard work that I had put in and proved that when I give something my all, anything is possible. Winning by so little made me stop and appreciate how lucky I was.

7. Where do you see yourself in five years?

After school, I plan to pursue a master’s degree in renewable energies before getting involved in either utility scale power management or project management developing renewable energy farms, particularly wind and solar.

8. What’s your favorite thing about SDSU?

My favorite thing is the work life balance that SDSU offers. After a long day in the library, I can break away and enjoy the social scene. This balance allows me to give 100 percent in my studies but maintain sanity after eight hours of calculus.
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