Aztecs Abroad: Meaningful Living Through Antoni Gaudi

Crystal Monsale is studying this summer in Spain at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) of the Barcelona Science Park of the University of Barcelona.

Friday, July 13, 2018
A photo of La Sagrada Familia taken by SDSU student Crystal Monsale
A photo of La Sagrada Familia taken by SDSU student Crystal Monsale

This summer, San Diego State University students studying abroad around the world are blogging about their experiences living in a new country. Check back each week to read their stories.

Author: Crystal Monsale, biology and psychology major
Location: Barcelona, Spain

I had a melting pot of emotions before going international—this was my first time going abroad and “flying solo.” I had no idea what to expect. All I had brought with me was a suitcase of comforts to remind me of home, and the adequate ability to speak Spanish.

I was a bit uneasy at the thought of beginning this journey alone. However, as I touched down at Barcelona-El Prat Airport, all that fear vanished.

I’ve been living in Barcelona for about a week and already I’ve been humbled by the culture that embraces me with hospitality, kindness and simplicity. If I’m keeping count of the number of touristic activities that served to educate me on the beautiful, unique qualities of Spanish culture, it is a considerable number. Yet, as I truly reflect on processing the value hidden behind these excursions and my personal interactions with the natives of Barcelona, it carries even more significance.

If I had to sum up the greatest lesson I have taken from being in Barcelona, it is the value of simple, intentional living. This realization immediately struck a chord with how to personally cultivate happiness.

My host mother is a cleaning lady and my host father is blind. Neither of them speak a lick of English (remember how I talked about my adequate ability to speak Spanish?). But, they are incredibly patient and my roommate is semi-fluent. Every night we sit down together and have dinner, which is always served with love so sweet because it is always made from scratch and followed up with dessert!

My host mother knows my Spanish is un poco, yet it has been a week and communication has come with much ease because we’re both learning. When we all eat together, we bond over the satisfaction of food, knowing that replenishing ourselves is something we share based off common need, despite our different experiences and the language barrier. My host parents are my family away from family, and their apartment truly feels like a piece of home.

This past week, our study abroad program went on a cultural excursion to explore the work of the famous architect Antoni Gaudi. On Thursday we paid a visit to Gaudí’s Casa Mila (La Pedrera) and Casa Batlló, both astonishing places to truly understand the genius of Barcelona’s beloved architect.

We visited La Sagrada Familia, and it was in those moments I truly came to appreciate Gaudí’s work. As we were going through the tour, our tour guide said something quite fascinating, conveying the mind behind the beauty of this architectural masterpiece.

“In nature, you will find architecture, art and spirituality.”

I thought about this as our tour guide went on to explain how this cathedral was built to resemble something very natural, as inspiration for the design had been drawn from his love of nature. Inside La Sagrada Familia, it felt as though you were being hugged by a towering forest of absolute beauty and awe. It humbled me by reminding me that we are very small in a world that can consume us.

The pillars resembled tree trunks and the sunlight that entered the building varied with the times of the day. Darker hues filtered in through the bottom of the stained-glass windows, while white, bright light shined forth as you moved your eyes toward the ceiling.

All of it was just…breathtaking.

But what I noticed was that by design, each part of La Sagrada Familia was produced intentionally by Gaudí to convey a larger message that can be seen in the grandeur of the construction, which produces feelings of wonder and astonishment. Every little detail stitched into the composition of this basilica made a presence that could not have been missed. What amazed me was just the intentional and meaningful choices that were thought out in the production of a building that captivates so many who visit from around the world.

As I reflect on something as simple as having a home-cooked meal every night to something as intricate as La Sagrada Familia, the common denominator is always the sincere and thoughtful nature of this culture. I am in love with these feelings of community, togetherness and conscious living.

In the United States, it is easy to take for granted resources such as available water, air conditioning and larger portions. But being in Barcelona challenges me daily to be more critical about how much I truly have, and also to view the world from a different perspective. Be it through sharing in the best paella over dinner or seeing a community of differing religious denominations gather to witness a work well done by Gaudí, this experience underscores the need for values of compassion and thoughtfulness that our culture neglects at times.

It is just as important as smiling at people on the street and remembering that we’re all human.

Being abroad is a probably the best kind of reminder.

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Aztecs Abroad: Women's Studies Edition
Aztecs Abroad: Soy Americana
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For more blog posts from SDSU students studying abroad this summer, visit the SDSU Be International blog.

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