Great California Shakeout Drill to be held Oct. 18

SDSU will test its emergency communications during the statewide event Thursday, held annually to review and improve earthquake preparedness.

Monday, October 15, 2018
Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union
Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union

San Diego State University will participate in the Great California Shakeout on Thursday, Oct. 18, an annual statewide drill to help prepare for and survive a potentially damaging earthquake.

At 10:18 a.m., all safety coordinators and Campus Emergency Response Team members are encouraged to involve their respective departments and divisions by practicing “drop, cover and hold on” drills, said Lamine Secka, SDSU’s director of Emergency Services. 

Safety coordinators also are encouraged to practice evacuating their teams to designated evacuation assembly points. A map of evacuation locations is available online:

This year’s drill marks the 10th anniversary of the Shakeout, now a nationwide effort with more than 17 million registrants. Organized by Earthquake Country Alliance, the drill is aimed at helping Californians learn how to protect themselves during a major earthquake.

“In light of the recent earthquake in Indonesia, it is important for people to know that the predicted strength of an earthquake from the Rose Canyon fault, which runs along the I-5 corridor, has been upgraded to a potential 7.3 magnitude earthquake,” Secka said. “Now is the time to practice earthquake response and preparedness.” 

Additional ways exist for participation in the Great California Shakeout:

  • Review with students and staff the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety, which includes preparing disaster kits and securing loose items in your space.
  • Remove or secure items in offices or classrooms that may fall and injure someone during an earthquake. 
  • Develop or review departmental emergency plans and business continuity plans. 
  • Check emergency supplies to make sure they are accessible and functional; order supplies as soon as possible where needed. 
  • Take advantage of the 25 percent discount offered to SDSU staff when purchasing products on Ready America's online store:
  • Register for SDSU Alert, which provides text and email notifications in the event of a campus-wide emergency. 

Being prepared is the best way to ensure safety in the event of an earthquake, Secka said. 

Additional information about the Oct. 18 event and earthquake safety in general can be found on the SDSU Emergency Preparedness website.

Emergency communications 

During the one-minute shakeout, SDSU will test its emergency text notification system, SDSU Alert. All registered users should expect to receive a message at the beginning of the drill. To register for SDSU Alert notifications, visit:

Campus emergency communications systems may also be tested, including campus email, the SDSU HomepageFacebook and Twitter. No mandatory evacuations of buildings will be ordered. 

For more information about the Oct. 18 event, contact Secka at [email protected]. Also, any questions about emergency preparedness at SDSU may be directed to [email protected].

“Participation in the drill provides a valuable opportunity to refresh emergency response skills and evaluate your work space,” Secka said. 

“Everyone is encouraged to look around their office for anything that could become a hazard during an earthquake,” he added. “This includes pictures on the walls, tall cabinets or shelving, elevated flower pots or other items that are not secured to the wall or floor. If such items are observed, either relocate them or complete a work order to have Facilities Services secure bookcases and shelving units appropriately.” 

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