SDSU Wireless Network Updated
In addition to enhanced wireless performance, SDSU has also upgraded the security of its eduroam network.

The SDSU Wireless network now consists of 3,400 access points that support the main campus and residence halls – 2,000 more than just two years ago. On a normal school day, the access points support approximately 5 to 8 gigabites per second of bandwidth.
“SDSU has one of the largest wireless networks in the CSU system,” said Kent McKelvey, director of SDSU’s Enterprise Technology Services (ETS). “At any one time during the semester, the SDSU wireless network can have up to 27,000 simultaneous devices/users and over the course of the year up to 150,000 unique devices will have connected to the network.”
The upgrades aim to increase performance and provide more seamless transitions for mobile device users as they move about campus. This allows for devices to maintain the same IP address for an entire day, instead of needing to reconnect to the network.
“This should increase the stability and reliability of the wireless network overall,” McKelvey said.
In addition to the enhanced wireless performance, ETS has also upgraded the security of the network. The eduroam network, which started in fall 2016, provides secure and encrypted wireless connection only for those who have an SDSUid.
Eduroam is a global network found on most university campuses. SDSU students, faculty and staff who have accessed eduroam with their SDSUid will also be able to connect at the other locations where eduroam is found, without having to log in.
Students, faculty and staff can learn how to access the eduroam network at
Campus users having trouble getting access can find out when there is maintenance or an unplanned outage by checking the status of the network at or follow @SDSUWireless on Twitter. Questions or problems can also be reported via Twitter or by email to [email protected].
“We encourage people to let us know when the system isn’t working properly for them,” McKelvey explained. “Sometimes it’s the device or a user who hasn’t claimed their SDSUid but other times it may be that we need to add an access point in a particular part of campus. Tracking issues help us identify where our weak spots are so we can improve them for everyone because we know wireless access is critical to our campus community.”