SDSU Addresses Campus Incident, Hosts Private Healing Circles

The following was sent as an all-campus email on March 4.

Monday, March 4, 2019
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After San Diego State University learned of a reported incident where multiple individuals called out a racial slur directed towards the Black Resource Center on campus, SDSU President Adela de la Torre, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Christy Samarkos and Chief Diversity Officer J. Luke Wood released the following statement to the campus community.   We have learned of a reported incident where multiple individuals called out a racial slur directed toward the Black Resource Center (BRC) on the San Diego State University campus. The individuals, reportedly a group of men of different racial/ethnic backgrounds, made the racial slur while passing the BRC in a vehicle.
SDSU does not tolerate instances of hatred, racism or discrimination. We are taking immediate action by organizing three healing circles to be held on campus this week. For information regarding the healing circles, please contact the Black Resource Center by emailing [email protected]. Also, as SDSU takes cases of hate and discrimination seriously, we urge anyone with information about the individuals involved in this situation to please contact University Police by calling 619-594-1991 or emailing [email protected].
At SDSU, diversity and inclusion are core values we uphold, and the university is deeply committed to supporting a campus climate and environment that is welcoming and safe, no matter a person’s background or experience. We do not accept hate-driven acts.
We stand behind the belief that diversity and inclusion benefits everyone. A diverse and inclusive culture helps our students to be better prepared for succeeding in a global community and workforce that is highly diverse. With that, we refute acts of marginalization, racism and hatred; we must all respectfully come together and support one another regardless of our backgrounds.
We also recognize that some members of our campus community may be experiencing a range of emotions in relation to this situation. We encourage students, faculty and staff to reach out for support. Counseling & Psychological Services team members are available at 619-594-5220 for any student who needs support. For faculty and staff, the Employee Assistance Program offers confidential support for emotional and workplace issues, among other issues. Information, resources and tools are available online at or by calling 1-800-342-8111.
Adela de la Torre San Diego State University President 
Christy Samarkos Interim Vice President for Student Affairs
J. Luke Wood Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Vice President for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion
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