SDSU Selects Clark Construction as Mission Valley Site Contractor

The team will be responsible for designing and building the more than 80 acres of parks and open space that will be part of SDSU Mission Valley.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019
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Following a public bidding process, Clark Construction was selected as the contractor for the SDSU Mission Valley site development project. Clark, one of three finalists bidding for the project, won the contract due to their strong planning and design team, their clear understanding of the site’s complexity and their competitive pricing.
Along with their civil engineering design partner, Project Design Consultants (PDC), Clark Construction will be responsible for the site engineering and grading, construction of the site infrastructure, interior road network and utilities.
“The campus expansion at Mission Valley will be transformative for San Diego,” said Adela de la Torre, President of SDSU. “The University and its partners will be building and expanding on this site for years to come, and we need to ensure that the physical foundation—and the teams helping us to lay that foundation—are strong and highly dedicated to the success of the region. I am confident we’ve found that team through our partnership with Clark and Project Design Consultants.”
Earlier this year, Clark Construction was selected in a separate competitive bidding process to build the new multi-use stadium at SDSU Mission Valley. They have partnered with Gensler as the new stadium architect.
“The team of Clark and PDC demonstrated expertise for this complex project that will require close collaboration with government agencies and community organizations,” said Tom McCarron, Senior Vice President, SDSU Mission Valley Development. “Additionally, their commitment to working with local, small and minority businesses demonstrates their dedication to serving the best interest of our greater San Diego community, for which this project will greatly benefit.”
The team will be responsible for designing and building the more than 80 acres of parks and open space that will be part of SDSU Mission Valley, including the 34-acre River Park.
SDSU has convened a community-based River Park Advisory Group to provide input into the design process. The university will also host a public workshop this summer so the greater San Diego community can share their ideas and feedback to ensure the design of the River Park supports the needs of both the community and the campus.
“We look forward to working with SDSU and the San Diego community to deliver public spaces, amenities and development parcels that will serve the community for years to come and maximize the investment and the vision for the University,” said Carlos Gonzalez, Senior Vice President with Clark Construction. 
The design and planning for the complete SDSU Mission Valley site is taking place concurrent with the university’s negotiations with the City of San Diego to purchase the land, and the preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). The university anticipates the draft EIR will be out for public review this summer and the California State University Board of Trustees is expected to consider its approval at their first meeting in 2020. 
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