Register Now for Winter Session

Online courses in subjects that include accounting, economics, nutrition and psychology will be offered beginning Dec. 19.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Winter session begins Dec. 19 and has 15 instructional days.
Winter session begins Dec. 19 and has 15 instructional days.
San Diego State University’s College of Extended Studies will again offer a Winter Session in 2019-20, with an expanded list of online courses that give students an opportunity to lighten their course load for the following semester or accelerate their path to graduation.

Registration is now open for the session, which runs from Dec. 19, 2019 to Jan. 15, 2020, with 15 instructional days. The session offers up to three credits for courses from SDSU’s degree programs and general-education electives. Additional information can be found on the Winter Session website.

During winter break in January 2019, 334 undergraduate students participated in SDSU’s first Winter Session since 2000. Thirteen courses were offered.

In surveys conducted at the conclusion of the session, 88% of students and all of the instructors said the experience was worth doing again. Students cited convenience and reduced tuition among their reasons for participating.

Aerospace engineering senior Kyl Stanfield took an elective from the College of Arts and Letters so he could focus on core classes during the semester. “Also, the vast majority of classes offered during the spring semester that fulfilled the GE credits I needed conflicted with my major classes,” said Stanfield.

Stanfield described the workload as intense but manageable. Focusing on a class for two weeks with no other courses or obligations “made me think I did better than I would have during a normal semester. Also, it was refreshing to have a small class size of around 30 that allowed for more student-teacher interaction.”

Business management major Thanh Nguyen went home to Vietnam over winter break and took Professor David DeBoskey’s Financial Accounting Fundamentals (Accounting 201) via ZOOM video conference. “The session allowed me to save $400 on tuition compared to taking the course in the semester, and also allows me to graduate earlier,” said Nguyen, a sophomore.

Enrollment also is open to students from other colleges and universities, high school graduates, and working professionals. Winter Session fees are $282 per unit for undergraduate courses.
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