The Water We Share

SDSU and UABC in Tijuana partner together for the Re:Border binational conference on Nov. 25-26.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019
To register for the Re:Border Conference, text Region to 56512.
To register for the Re:Border Conference, text Region to 56512.

To register for the Re:Border Conference, click on the registration link or text Region to 56512. The conference is free and open to the public. Registration is required.

San Diego State University is launching Re:Border, a first-of-its-kind binational conference to explore key regional issues and innovative solutions in the transborder region of California and Baja California.
This year’s theme is “The Water We Share,” analyzing the use of water resources in the transborder region. The conference is free and open to the public. Registration is required.
Re:Border, which takes place Nov. 25 at SDSU and Nov. 26 at the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California (UABC) in Tijuana, will bring together academic experts, practitioners, students, public policy experts and community stakeholders to explore how SDSU and its regional partners can contribute to innovative solutions for water-related challenges in the transborder region.
In addition to expert presentations and panels, the conference will also showcase the work of current students through research and art. Students will display their research on these current issues for conference attendees. A mural, created in collaboration with several student organizations, will also be presented to the conference.
The SDSU News Team spoke to Natanael Ramírez Angulo, director of the Faculty of Economics and International Relations at UABC about the binational conference, its importance, and what he hopes to see it accomplish.
Why was SDSU a great university to partner with for this conference?

The openness that SDSU has shown in partnership with the UABC, in addition to the recognition that its professors have and their willingness to work together, has been an important factor in achieving an association to carry out an event that favored the dialogue, discussion and reflection on a topic of great interest to both cities, such as water.
Why is it important for both universities to collaborate on binational issues?
Tijuana and San Diego form a region closely linked by their economies, societies and culture. It is difficult to understand the dynamics of both cities without their counterpart -- the advances in the San Diego region have a positive impact on Tijuana and vice versa -- so it is of great importance to know the binational challenges and problems that need to be addressed in the medium and long term to continue building a competitive region with a high level of well-being. 
Understanding the problems and challenges involved in the management and use of water, an essential natural resource, must be a priority not only for governments but also for society itself, and we believe that universities can provide valuable knowledge that can help generate programs and policies that help local and federal governments to be successful in addressing this issue.
What makes this conference unique?
I believe that the theme is very important for the binational region and the fact that we reflect together, providing contributing visions, helps to contribute to a comprehensive solution that benefits both countries. The participation of experts from the academic, the productive sector, civil society and the government, allows attendees to explore very important collaboration mechanisms to deal with binational problems. The interaction between the students of our institutions also makes it very interesting.
What do you hope attendees take away from this conference?
A positive experience of what can be achieved through cooperation between institutions on both sides of the border. This conference will help to raise awareness about border issues and the challenges involved in the issue of water and co-responsibility that must exist not only between the two countries but also of society and the government. 

Fireside Charla

In the newest episode of Fireside Charla, SDSU President Adela de la Torre discusses the topics of the Re:Border conference and the issues and the challenges our region faces related to the water we share with Natalie Mladenov, Trent Biggs and Matthew Verbyla—three of our leading water researchers from Blue Gold, one of SDSU’s centers of excellence focused exclusively on water research.

Listen to Episode #011 - RE:BORDER and the Water We Share

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To register for the Re:Border Conference, click on the registration link or text Region to 56512. The conference is free and open to the public. Registration is required.

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