PHOTOS: New Student-Designed Mural Encourages Creativity

The mural was part of a class assignment that asked students to create spaces for public gathering and conversations.

Thursday, February 6, 2020
The mural is located on the fifth floor of the Art North building. (Photo: PSFA)
The mural is located on the fifth floor of the Art North building. (Photo: PSFA)
“Trust your creativity and the world is yours.”

San Diego State University students returning to the School of Art and Design this semester may have noticed an addition to the main corridor on the fifth floor of the Art North building — a beautiful, new mural designed by interior architecture student Alexandra MacLeod
MacLeod and several classmates in Art 453: Detail Design for Mixed-Use Interiors worked diligently through the final days of the fall semester to complete the mural.
The mural depicts rays of colors, shapes, butterflies, human features, nature and space.

Through her design, MacLeod hopes to illustrate art in its purest form, illuminating the flow of imagination, creativity, and passion from within an artist’s mind.

“Art comes directly from the artist’s personal vision, feeling, mindset and creative state,” said MacLeod. “I wished to express my love for design through my mural and hopefully engage and inspire others with my vision and passion for art.”

For the class, each student was tasked to find three locations in and around the School of Art and Design that could be altered to allow for public gathering and/or conversation.

Once completed, the students showcased their designs on an exterior wall of the Art North building. As School of Art and Design Director Annie Buckley walked by, she was immediately taken by MacLeod’s design and commissioned her mural on the spot.

“All of the students’ projects were really fantastic but I was particularly struck by Alexandra’s mural design, which was so light and fresh and a departure from the other mural in Art North,” said Buckley. “I really loved the message of trusting one’s creativity and how Alexandra and her classmates worked together to bring the mural to fruition.”

MacLeod hopes her mural brings smiles to students’ faces as they walk by. 

“Trust your creativity and the world is yours.”

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