Returning Home

After graduating from SDSU, Zackary Albrecht ('17) found his way back to the university this time as a staff member in SDSU Alumni.

Monday, April 27, 2020
Zackary Albrecht
Zackary Albrecht
“Nothing in my life has felt more right than to come back to San Diego State and have the opportunity to work for an extraordinary institution in such a gratifying way.”

Pondering options as an undergraduate student at San Diego State University for his future career, Zackary Albrecht ('17) knew two things for certain: He wanted to share stories in meaningful ways, and work directly with people through written language.

“I love writing, I’ve always enjoyed it,” said Albrecht. “When I had the opportunity to look back, journalism, specifically the public relations emphasis, fit those categories.”

From day one, Albrecht loved his experience in the journalism program, connecting to the course material he was learning and applying it to internships he obtained with marketing agencies working with various clients.

In particular, Albrecht notes one of his favorite campaigns, “Experience San Diego,” spearheaded by the San Diego Tourism Marketing District and its board with input from more than 40 regional tourism and civic leaders, in which Albrecht played a critical role in educational outreach about the benefits of tourism and the impact on the local economy. 

“I really fell in love with nonprofits through my internships,” said Albrecht. “Which eventually led me back to education and San Diego State University.”

As the associate director of communications and fundraising for SDSU Alumni, Albrecht has seen the university’s culture of philanthropy in a unique way — as a scholarship recipient, a donor and now as a professional staff member. 

As a student, Albrecht worked two jobs to pay for his education. Scholarships, in part, allowed Albrecht to experience all SDSU had to offer, including studying abroad. He received the SDSU Associated Students Study Abroad Scholarship, which he used to study abroad in Barcelona, as well as the Aztec Proud Scholarship.

“A lot of my experiences in undergrad were only accessible because of the culture of philanthropy,” Albrecht said. “I was awarded several different scholarships, a few of which made it feasible for me to study abroad.

Because of the generosity of donors, I was able to have this truly transformative experience.”
In a show of gratitude, Albrecht chose to pay it forward — donating to the Aztec Proud Scholarship to allow fellow students to follow their dreams.

“To know I could pay it forward and that other students like me at the time were able to have their dreams that much more attainable, because of something I could do, was so fulfilling,” said Albrecht. “I know how scholarship support impacted me and I know what it can do for others. The power it has to define the four or five years for a student is immense. To just have one small part in that is meaningful.”

Now, he is telling the impactful stories of students — ones that were in the same position as he was once. His story has come full circle.
And whether he is helping to raise money for scholarships, student abroad experiences or to help students impacted by the diagnosis of cancer, Albrecht is doing what he loves.

“The students are my biggest motivator. Students are surpassing odds and their ability to move forward in the face of adversity is nothing short of remarkable,” said Albrecht.
“The work they are doing every day makes me want to show up every day for them. My favorite part of the work is sharing those stories on what we are able to do as a community.” 

As Albrecht walks campus now, he thinks back to his first visit to campus, while touring universities in San Diego.

“There was something about the community from the moment I stepped onto SDSU’s campus,” said Albrecht. “I remember people walking up and saying hi to the ambassador on our tour. It truly felt like a home, like a family from my ambassador to the people on the tour with me, the way the campus is situated — it just felt like home.”

He is home. 

“Nothing in my life has felt more right than to come back to San Diego State and have the opportunity to work for an extraordinary institution in such a gratifying way,” said Albrecht. “Going to SDSU was the best decision I ever made.”

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