Summer 2020 is Online Additional Courses Offered

Each year, thousands of SDSU students take advantage of summer courses to free time for other priorities and for a timely graduation. This year, a greater number of summer courses will be online.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020
About 500 course sections are expected to be offered fully online this summer.
About 500 course sections are expected to be offered fully online this summer.

In recent years, San Diego State University has accelerated the move of summer courses online, driven by a greater need to meet the growing demand for digital instruction and to help students stay on track to graduation. 

This summer, all summer courses will be virtual, with most of the courses originally published as face-to-face or hybrid being moved to the virtual modality. Those few summer courses that do not lend themselves to virtualization at this time will be canceled.

The university expects to offer about 500 course sections online for our students. Additional courses may be added in the coming weeks. Summer session enrollment is open now, and students may search the summer class schedule online.

“We have found that moving an expanded lineup of summer courses online has proven beneficial for our students and our university,” said Radmila Prislin, associate vice president for Academic Affairs-Resource Management.
“Over the years that we have rapidly increased the availability of courses online, we have found that students have a heightened interest in completing courses for a more timely graduation.”

In 2019, about half of the summer classes were offered online. 

Taking just one course during the summer can either put students on track to graduate or reduce the amount of time to graduation. Summer coursework can also free time in a student’s schedule for internship, research or participation in a student organization. 

The three session summer schedule this summer allows students a chance to get ahead of their degree requirements. 

"For the past two summers more than 8,000 students have enrolled and got ahead in earning their degree. Over 3,500 of these students received financial aid to assist with their summer costs,” said Rose Pasenelli, director of the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Personal registration information and the My Planner tool are available in the SDSU WebPortal, which allows students to view summer 2020 registration information and add summer courses to their planner. Registration for all summer sessions is currently open. 

Financial aid is available for students to assist with the cost of summer school. To be considered for summer financial aid, students must have completed a 2019-2020 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a California Dream Application. More information about summer fees is available on SDSU’s Money Matters web page at

Students can also visit their AidLink account for additional information. 

Students can view the summer course offerings on the Class Schedule website at

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