Task Force Group Formed to Name SDSU Buildings
Nominations are being accepted through Sept. 1.

San Diego State University President Adela de la Torre has introduced a task force to review nominations and recommend the names of individuals for whom buildings can be named.
In keeping with the practice of the California State University system, most buildings and spaces on the campus are now reserved to recognize individuals who have made significant gifts to advance the educational mission of the university and to inspire others to do the same. With the formation of the task force, however, two buildings will be reserved for honorific namings.
The Presidential Task Force on Honorary Namings is being formed with J. Luke Wood, vice president for Student Affairs and Campus Diversity, and Adrienne Vargas, vice president for University Relations and Development, serving as co-chairs.
“This new initiative is part of our universitywide efforts to increase both the representation and honoring of diverse communities on our university buildings and spaces,” de la Torre said.
The initiative is aligned with SDSU’s strategic plan, which calls on the community to identify new and different ways to honor and celebrate the historic and contemporary contributions of members of the one SDSU community.
The Presidential Honorary Namings will soon convene its first meeting, but the nomination process is already open. Members of the community are able to submit nominations through 11:59 p.m. (PDT) on Wednesday, Sept. 1. Additional details, including the nomination form, are available on the task force group’s page.
Naming opportunities will be offered to two university buildings, which will be identified and shared at a later date. A nominee should have:
- Achieved unique distinction within the higher education sector or a different area of public service
- Or served SDSU in an academic capacity while earning either national or international reputation as a scholar
- Or made extraordinary contributions to an SDSU campus, which warrants special recognition
- Or served SDSU in an administrative capacity and who, during their service, made extraordinary contributions to the university.
There can be no philanthropic gift attached to the nomination, and individuals who are deceased will have a greater chance of being selected for this honor. All names should meet the existing CSU Honorary Naming Policy, including approval by the CSU Board of Trustees. This includes the provision that no building will be named after seated, elected or appointed officials currently in office and for one year following his or her service.