Paving the way for future generations

Alumna Judy Hamilton dedicates her career to paying it forward to the next generation of female athletes.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Judy Hamilton (‘75, ‘77) graduated with a bachelor’s in accounting and an MBA from SDSU, and is a founding partner of accounting firm, Hamilton Tharp LLP.
Judy Hamilton (‘75, ‘77) graduated with a bachelor’s in accounting and an MBA from SDSU, and is a founding partner of accounting firm, Hamilton Tharp LLP.

Sometimes, a person has the power to make a difference in someone’s life. For San Diego State University alumna Judy Hamilton (‘75, ‘77), it wasn’t just one person, there were many. 

After moving from Georgia to San Diego, Hamilton knew she wanted to attend SDSU. However, the financial burden of buying a house delayed her plans. In 1971, after purchasing their first home, she finally enrolled at SDSU.

Undeterred by the still male-dominated field of accounting, Hamilton's ambitious spirit shone through as she pursued her studies and cultivated meaningful relationships with her professors. 

After earning her accounting degree in 1975, Hamilton met professor Allan Bailey (‘64), who hired her as his teaching assistant. Hamilton's ability to build relationships with her peers proved invaluable, ultimately landing her an interview at Arthur Young. 

I am very thankful for having the opportunity to work for several accounting professors,” said Hamilton. “At that time, I didn’t realize how that solidified my foundation in a very technical profession which would impact my entire career.”

Hamilton’s love for the university and the close relationships were catalysts for her desire to give back and provide students with the same opportunities she was given. As a proud double alumna, Hamilton knew she wanted to pay it forward to the next generation of students. 

”By contributing to the university, I’m investing in the future, helping to provide the resources, opportunities, and support that the next generation of students need to thrive,” said Hamilton.

As a major sports fan, she has a passion for athletics, reflected in her generous contributions to the SDSU athletics department. Women’s basketball will always hold a special place in her heart among the many sports she supports. Growing up playing basketball, Hamilton understands the struggles female athletes face off and on the court. 

“I am pre-Title IX and have personally witnessed, with my continued participation in recreational sports, the impact of women having opportunities to advance their education with scholarships and other programs,” said Hamilton. 

Her involvement in the university also extends to the SDSU Athletics Women's Fund, a vital source as it directly supports women's empowerment, education and advancement. 

Her gifts to the fund are more than just donations – they are a testament to her belief in the power of sports to transform lives. Hamilton believes the “women’s fund ensures that women have equal opportunities to excel, academically and professionally, especially in fields where women have historically been underrepresented.”

When I started my career, there were fewer than 10% women in my profession – that percentage is currently 57%, and I would like to see other careers have similar growth,” said Hamilton.

Grateful recipient

SDSU women’s basketball player and alumna Kim Spinardi (‘10) has seen firsthand the profound impact Hamilton has had on others, as she has been a recipient of Hamilton’s generosity over the years. 

As a student-athlete, Spinardi studied hard to become an accountant, and upon graduating, Spinardi accepted a position at San Diego’s Considine & Considine. But as time passed, Spinardi knew she wanted to work for a firm that reflected her values as a woman in a male-dominated industry. That is when she came across Hamilton Tharp LLP. 

“The main thing that attracted me was the female partners and all the work they were doing in the sports industry,” said Spinardi. “I knew it would combine my passions; it was everything I was looking for.”

Inspired by Hamilton’s work at the firm and her steadfast support of SDSU, Spinardi has channeled her resources into helping pave the way for the next generation of women athletes. Like Hamilton, she remembers the era before federal law took effect to require equal opportunities for women in athletics, and she admires the determination “to give those opportunities to others.”

Despite growing up in different generations, Spinardi and Hamilton followed similar paths. From accountancy to their dedication to empowering female athletes, their passion for helping others remains unwavering, and it is clear Spinardi is following in Hamilton’s footsteps. 

“Helping these athletes transition after college, whether it's through the women’s fund or networking, is one of my biggest passions,” said Spinardi.

Creating a Legacy 

As Hamilton approaches the end of her career, her investment in SDSU athletics is “more than just a financial contribution,” she said. “It's about ensuring that the values, knowledge, and experiences passed down to me continue to be accessible to those who come after.” 

The skills and experience she gained at SDSU taught her resilience and perseverance. Her love for the university runs deep, and her involvement allows her to witness firsthand the students' growth and success. 

“Paying it forward is about creating a legacy of support and encouragement that will last long after I’m gone,” said Hamilton. “It’s my way of honoring the past while actively contributing to a brighter future for all who follow in our footsteps.”

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