SDSU NewsCenter
Imagineer That
Apr 13Kevin Mayer, '88, shared his journey from engineer to Imagineer with the SDSU community.
A Commitment to Sustainability
Apr 9SDSU is the first university to require all of its food service to meet certified Green Restaurant standards.
Past is Present
Apr 8Risa Levitt Kohn is curator of the new Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition in Los Angeles.
Brain Connections in Autism
Apr 8SDSU researchers find more sensorimotor connections in the cerebellum, but fewer connections for higher cognition.
Seeking Faculty-in-Residence
Apr 7As members of the SDSU Residential Education team, faculty-in-residence provide a connection between in-classroom and out-of-classroom learning.
In Memoriam: Gerald E. Whittenburg
Mar 31Whittenburg had nearly 40 years of teaching, research and service at SDSU.
Sailing the Viromic Seas
Mar 26SDSU biologist Rob Edwards hunts the world over for new viruses using the latest computer science technology.
March Math-ness
Mar 25How does a statistician make sense of the upsets and long-shot probabilities of the NCAA tournament?
Off the Beaten Course: GEOG 340
Mar 24This course explores where food comes from, how it is produced and the way it impacts health and the environment.