SDSU NewsCenter
Research Horizons: The Science of Smell
Jun 6Nutrition professor Surabhi Bhutani is on a quest to improve health by better understanding our sense of smell.
Stepping Up By Looking Back
Jun 4Alumna Aprajita Mathur is a standout in the profession of software testing.
Mysteries of the Microbiome Spark a Lifelong Passion
May 22Pedro Torres authored 12 scientific papers while at SDSU, including one with positive implications for women's health.
SDSU Homeland Security Graduate Students Earning Master's in Preparedness
May 15The homeland security graduate degree program gave students experience responding to a simulated major earthquake.
SDSU's Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Something for Every Student
May 13Hundreds of students have received a head start on their ideas through classes, mentorship, incubators, internships and more.
Seven Faculty Members to Receive Awards for Outstanding Faculty Contributions
May 10The awardees will be recognized at the All-University Convocation in August.
Top 10 Degrees of 2019
May 7A diverse range of interests among the class of 2019 includes the criminal justice system and human behavior.
First-Ever Thirdhand Smoke Resource Center Opens
May 1The SDSU partnership with USC will raise public awareness of the hazards of toxic contamination left behindyears laterby smoking and vaping.
Student-Athletes Honored for Academics, Service
Apr 29Three SDSU undergraduates received the Arthur Ashe Jr. Sports Scholar Award for their achievements in and outside the classroom.
Astronomers Discover Third Planet in the Kepler-47 Circumbinary System
Apr 16The SDSU-led research has been published in the Astronomical Journal.